Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Hazleton Cargo Airport

We haven’t had any direct contact with those companies (FedEx and UPS) as such. But the attitude that we’ve had from everyone … the sense that we have is … build it and they will come.”-Luzerne County Commissioner Greg Skrepnak

Is this faith based economics or has Skrep watched too many sports movies?

Expert: Plan flies too high Some more marketing research needs to be done.

The money and connections are detailed in this story by Steve Morcarsky in the TL and ties back some of the people involved to the PA Child Care sweethart deal.

Other things are in play as the developer has a dispute with some of the owners of the land where the airport is to be built.

UPDATE: Truth in our House has the real reason this airport might be built near Hazleton:

One e-mail I rcvd from a frequent blog reader told me he knows the real
reason behind the airport proposal. He thinks that Mayor Lou Barletta is really
behind the proposal but is staying quiet for now. The real proposal he

Planes will land with river dredge and fly ash from across the globe to be
used in area mine reclamation. Planes will then take off full of area illegal
aliens for immediate deportation to their country of origin.

And Barletta is in the process of negotiating contracts to make a huge amount of money from both
the incoming/outgoing flights for revitalization efforts.


  1. Gort, Our airport in the LV has been losing money for years. The main reason is not the airport but the factr that we look for those smaller plans that those in business travelk just don't like.

  2. Anonymous3:43 PM

    not sure where to put this, but was checking your blog roll and The Luzerne County Liberator links to nothing, do u know what happened?

  3. Let me see if I understand this (I read Truth In Our House's article too). They want to spend $1.4 billion to build an airport but haven't even contacted either FedEx or UPS to see if they'd even use it? What drugs are these people on?

  4. Anonymous5:51 PM

    They don't even have FAA approval...
