Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Hillary 1984 video

Mike Gravel for President


  1. Typical Repugnicant stunt: play off one opponent against another, sow dissent and discord among their ranks. Same as having the "" (or whatever it was) site redirect to Hillary's site. This was probably put together by a Repug-funded Astroturf organization like the one that did "An Inconvenient Spoof". I guess they don't fear the wrath of Apple Computers for stealing their copyrighted material? Ridley Scott may have something to say about this, too - he directed the original commercial.

  2. Huh. Well.

    And that's all I have to say about that.

  3. I never saw these ads. I must say, they are rather, uh, strange. What were the issues they were discussing again? I must have missed it...
