Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Two years of blogging

In the chaos that has been my life for the last 2 months I just noticed that I've been blogging for 2 years now. My first post was about the Phillies losing again, not much has changed. At first I was going to stick to baseball but the political animal took over. There were plenty of people doing national issues so I decided to toss my two cents in about Luzerne County and Pennsylvania politics. I realized I wasn't going to be the next Atrios or Instapundent so as a teacher once advised me write about what you know. I'm not well connected or important but I want my government at all levels to work better.

The great thing about this adventure is the friends I've made. I visit everybody on my sidebar everyday and I think they reciprocate. Some I've met in person and most I never will. I've been remiss on commenting on my friends blogs but will make an effort to rectify that. I think we should all make an effort to comment on each others blogs or send an email to the blogs that don't allow comments.

To the people who don't have blogs and want to comment anonymously, keep it coming.


  1. Woo Hoo!!!! Happy blogiversary, buddy!! You do a fantastic job. Here's to many more.1493cstdbs

  2. I raise my beer to you... oh wait, it's 8:15 AM. My OJ...

    Great work Gort.

  3. Hooray! Happy blogiversary! Here's to many more!

  4. Congrats. And don't expect that Phillies thing to change anytime soon . . . .

  5. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Two years is awesome...

    And I still heart the Phils, heh heh, they won when I went to a game last summer!! I don't want a Yankee farm team...

    I hope I spelled congrats right, lol.

  6. Two years! Congratulations.

    And you are right, one must make an effort to comment - blogging can be very lonely when the conversation feels one-sided.

    Keep the entries coming...:)

  7. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Thanks for keeping me up to date and for supplying another perspective.

  8. Anonymous1:59 PM

    And here's to many, many more!

  9. Anonymous3:36 PM

    and to think the first time i read your blog was when you commented on me caling some locals racists for denying a balck guy a barber's permit because he sold drugs, I think you agreed with me that W-B needs to be more open to new business and not alarmist.
    Than it tunrs out the guy sold drugs anyway and locals were right and us the enlightened were wrong

  10. Happy blogirthday Gort! Next week TPP is one year old. I actually began blogging 15 months before that on the "A" list sites until Kos kicked me off his blog.

    Writing everyday can get to be a grind after two years so don't feel you have to be apologetic if you need a little time away to recharge your batteries.

    I tune in here regularly to find out what's going on in the region. Every area of the state needs a good blogger to document what's going on and keep everyone honest. It sure does piss them off when you catch them though.

    As for LV Dem and that OJ, I have it on good authority that it IS beer. Video at 11. Oops, that's that "other" media.

  11. I'sh nopth dreenken bir

    Add to list: hunt down pa progressive

  12. Way to go Gort! Congrats.

  13. Anonymous8:54 PM

    from the blogger formerly known as "next",

    congrats gort! although i am not blogging, i'm still reading.

    keep up the good work,

  14. 2 years. Great work.
    More importantly thank you for helping me, inspiring me, being that phone call away when the site wasn't doing what I wanted it to do and for posting music videos on your blog. Mixing it up a bit. Mrs. LuLac thinks I won't be taken seriously if I run the occassional photo of Geena Davis, moan about the Indians or comment about pop culture. You paved the way my man. And were unselfish in your help. Thanks!
