Sunday, June 10, 2007

Ghosts don't like to move

Roger Clemens got a win in his return to New York but it won't be enough to rescue the Bombers. I think the real problem with the Yankees this year is that they have brought down the wrath of the Baseball Gods by starting to build a new stadium. The House that Ruth built and the scene of more World Series than any other venue is destined for the wrecking ball after the 2008 season. I think it's a sacrilege. It's like blowing up the Taj Mahal or St. Peters Basilica in order to make more money. The ghosts of the Babe, DiMaggio, Gehrig etc. are rightfully outraged.
Speaking of ghosts, Jose Mesa made his Phillie's debut today after I did a separated at birth post that inspired Pat Gillick to sign him. He threw 2 wild pitches that contributed to today's 17-5 debacle. Just like the Phil's to sweep the Met's and drop 2 out of 3 to one of the worst teams in baseball. It's all Mrs. G's fault for pointing out the resemblance.


  1. Anonymous8:09 PM

    The Mesa Story reminds me of a recent converstion I had with my dad
    I suggested shooting Adom Eaton and he suggested just trading or releasing him. I explained to him that what happens is the Phils dump someone and he becomes decent so the Phils overpay him and then he is worse than he was before. therefore the only cure for The Phillies bad pictures is shooting them(not to kill just to prevent them from ever pitching for the Phillies again.)
    I wish Pat Gillick tabled the motion to bring back Joe

  2. The only people I want shot are the inventor of the pitch count and the DH rule.

  3. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I agree on the first one.
    I do not like the DH, but i think it is cool that one league has it and the other does not. Unlike other sports baseball still has some semblence of league seperation.

    On that note what about shooting the inventor of interleague play? It really screws the Phillies over
    We play the Red Sox(not cool) Mets play the Yanks(equal over time) nationals play the oriles(easy) the braves playb the blue jays(easy) and the Amrlins play the Devil Rays(very unfair) the beuty of baseball was that everyone in the division played the same schedule and the best team had the easist schedule becuase they did not have to play themsevles.

  4. Interleague play is not right. We have interleague play, it's called the World Series.

  5. Anonymous11:19 PM

    here here and the All Star game meant something and so did individual league records, and awards
