Sunday, June 24, 2007

Lackawanna Wonderful

A few days ago someone sent me this video. I didn't know what to make of it since I'm not that familiar with political players of our neighbors to the north. I asked the anonymous emailer to add some context but he/she never responded. The Scranton Times provides an explanation.

YouTube posting portends vicious commissioners race

A buddy of Republican county Commissioners Robert C. Cordaro and A.J. Munchak showed up at the fundraiser for Democratic Lackawanna County commissioner candidates Mike Washo and Corey O’Brien that was attended by Gov. Ed Rendell. His mission was to spot Republicans that were attending the event and when he was spotted he let out a a highly offensive, racially charged statement in reference to the fundraiser attendees. Charles Costanzo's firm processes county worker compensation claims, and he and Mr. Cordaro are good friends. The workers’ comp contract is a matter of public record. Both said they are longtime friends.

When Costanzo spots the video camera he flips them the finger and says "go suck a big black cock." Costanzo says he 's not a racist. “I’m not a racist by any means,” he said. “I totally regret what I said, but I didn’t think I was going to play to the world.”

All this is bad enough but the clip is set to Godfather theme and some of my Italian friends are up in arms. Constanzo is threatening to sue whoever posted the video for making him out to be a “gangster.”

This might be the biggest intertubes dustup since Bernie Kieklak said some stupid things at Lehigh Valley Ramblings .

1 comment:

  1. What up, Gort? Sorry I've been absent from your blog'o sorts. Just thought I'd stop by.

    You're rockin' as usual.
