Friday, July 13, 2007

Chris Doherty for Congress?

Normally I wouldn't even post a rumor like this until I could check it out further. But I'm pressed for time because I'm busy packing for the dog's vacation and will be gone for a week. If it's wrong no harm done but if it's right you read it here first.
I got an email:
Scranton Mayor Chris Doherty is preparing a run for Congress against Paul Kanjorski. Also, Doherty has an agreement with Lacka. Cty. Commissioner Bob Cordaro NOT to raise a dime for Washo-O'Brien in exchange for Cordaro steering donors Chris's way for his primary campaign against Kanjo. This info is 100% accurate. I heard it from Tim xxx and Sarah xxx
I'm just as sceptical as you are about this. Kanjorski has over a $1 million cash on hand according to his latest FEC report. Unless he retires I think it would be a suicide mission but one of my favorite political prognosticators disagrees:
He'd beat him big time. He'd carry all of Lackawanna County and those Dems from Luzerne who are dying for an alternative, any alternative. A Kanjo-Barletta race gives him the edge because no one wants to vote for Lou except his crowd. Kanjo wins by default. BUT if Doherrty takes on Kanjo, that gives folks a choice in the primary and neutralizes Barletta in the general.
I don't think so.
Another view:
For the last several years, Chris has been wanting to run for Congress--even though it makes less political sense than other offices. ...He is planning on running on the corruption issue (grant for Kanjo's nephew). However, Doherty is refusing to raise money for Washo and O'Brien because he has a deal with Cordaro that he'll stay out and Cordaro will funnel donors to him in exchange (heard that from Cordaro himself).
I've never heard of any animosity between Doherty and Kanjorski, quite the opposite. And Doherty running against corruption will get some howls from these people. Corruption has never been an impediment to our local Congressmen. If I recall both Dan Flood and Joe McDade were reelected after an indictment.


  1. I hope Barletta runs for congress again. He'll get stomped on by Kanjorski. If Doherty wants to run for congress, he needs to wait until Kanjo retires, otherwise he'll be embarrassed in a primary.

  2. Anonymous12:51 PM

    First Dan Flood was framed by Cater

    onthe issue, Danny is right but i is shame because Kanjo is a corupot loser who demagouged his way into office over frank harris

    Yuddy is my choice to replace Knajo, he could win in a primary, he is the ponly stae rep who did not vote for the Pay Raise

  3. KP reported in 2005 that the mayor was considering a run for Lt. Gov. One of your local papers ran an article on it and he went on record saying no. there is no doubt, however, that the guy has his eyes on a larger prize. But like one of the LV Mayors (John Callahan of Bethlehem, who would make a great candidate for Congress), my guess is that he is waiting for the right executive opportunity to arise.

  4. Anonymous10:44 PM

    good point same with Bruce Castor, he would have lot to Schwartz in 06 but he would have beat her in 04 and could in 08 or 10 given the climate, other then that she is safe as Dent is safe as long as he does not run agianst him or Boscolo

  5. Castor could not beat Schwartz. He knows it. He's polled it like he did with his decision to run for commissioner, but just didn't release it to the public. If he had evidence to say he could win if he ran, he would do it.

    He wanted the AG prize in 2004 b/c he thought it was his best path to the governor's mansion (though Congressional reps make good gov candidates themselves). My guess is that he wouldn't have won in 2004 either. Schwartz is by far the best campaigner of her generation in PA. She has no rival.

    After his run in with the GOP powers that be in 2004, Castor will be relegated to being a big fish in the Montco pond until he pays his dues.

  6. Anonymous12:40 AM

    he can win the seat in 2010 when Alison runs for something else my, my guess is against Shapiro. Also congress is amuch better job than gov't peole need to understand that

  7. Anonymous5:03 PM

    "Scranton Mayor Chris Doherty is preparing a run for Congress against Paul Kanjorski. Also, Doherty has an agreement with Lacka. Cty. Commissioner Bob Cordaro NOT to raise a dime for Washo-O'Brien in exchange for Cordaro steering donors Chris's way for his primary campaign against Kanjo.

    If this is true, then why would the republican party of lack county put Cordaro back on the ticket for commish?

  8. Anonymous10:42 PM

    It would be a sad day for Pennsylvania if Chris Doherty's political career didn't die in Scranton.

    Scranton is like an orange... if you peel back the layers, you will see that Scranton is truly a sinking ship with over $300 million in debt... courtesy of Chris Doherty.
