Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Luzerne County candidate forums

Not much has been happening in the Luzerne County races for Commissioner and the row offices so I've spent the last few days speculating on the Congressional races next year. I expect that to change this month as the Luzerne County employees union (AFSCME Local 1398) has announced a series of forums with the candidates. They're not debates but a mix and match of candidates for different offices on different days appearing at different times. Doesn't make much sense to me but it's always good when candidates face a public forum. Right now I hear that a few of them have been hitting the Pierogi and Halushkie circuit (church bazaars). Things should heat up after Labor Day. Gee, I wonder what candidates the union will endorse?


  1. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I've heard that Luzerne County Sheriff Democratic candidate, Mike Savokinas, was spotted at a Wilkes-Barre picnic with Carl Zawatski and John Hyder. All of them were sporting "Savokinas for Sheriff" shirts. I see this as a good step for Savokinas if he wants to defeat Barry Stankus in the fall. Any thoughts Gort?

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Dave, You have been very quite about the Sheriff's race any reason why?
