Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Joe Peters takes a poll

And surprise, it shows Joe Peters leads Dan Meuser by a whopping 21% to 7% among Republican primary voters in the Pennsylvania 10th CD with 69% undecided. The press release doesn't mention any of the other potential candidates. When told some nice things about Peters the respondents have a favorable reaction and when asked if they would vote for someone who just moved into the district most said that they would be less likely. A swipe at Meuser I presume. I guess we will next see a poll asking if you would vote for someone who's been married a few times. It also points out that he he won nearly 60% of the vote in Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District in his losing 2004 Auditor General bid.
The 69% undecided is the key as us political junkies are the only people paying attention at this point. And that number is probably higher as the poll probably just measures name recognition but that will change once the candidates start running paid media. Right now I can't even find a website for any of them. The only polling that matters at this stage would be Chris Carney's favorable/unfavorables but I haven't seen any yet. I suspect they are pretty good because our local press has given him generally positive coverage and 2008 looks to be another big Democratic year.


  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Well if times married is going to matter to republicans, then I suppose Rudy, McCain and Fred Thompson better get out of the race.

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    It's funny how Peters asked to be compared to someone who's not even announced yet. I would be flattered if I were Dan Meuser.
    Don't these guys realize all the free press they're giving their competition. Hackett mentions Meuser last week, Peters has a poll mentioning Meuser. Someone needs to talk to these guys about how to market themselves instead of their competition. Hire people who can advise you on how to go about doing things to benefit yourself, not others.
    It should be an interesting race.

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    That "poll" was an absolute joke.

    Jesus,if I were Peters, I'd be upset given the way the thing was presented that I only got 2 out of 10, to say they prefered me.

    I can just imagine the conversations, " Good evening sir, Peters gooood, Meuser baaad", pretty scientific stuff, and yet 7 out of 10 still had no opinion.

    I'd say it's pretty embarassing for Peters, hardly something to crow about.

  4. Anonymous2:11 PM

    KAR - you continue to work the blogs on Meuser's behalf bad mouthing anyone and everyone in a continuing effort to prop up your boy.

    The poll was conducted by a very established and professional polling firm and the sample size is typical for an early stage primary. You pontificate as though you are an expert - but you show your lack of knowledge by your blatant disregard for facts and objectivity with every posting. Making fun of people ended in 6th grade – grow up.

    Bottom line, you don't make your boy any better by berating others.

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I have trouble keeping track of all the anonymousesses out there, but I detect a little hostility on your part, so you'll be "pouty" anonymous.

    I'm not doubting the credentials of the pollsters, but even you have to admit, that scientific it ain't.

    I look forward to having you and others educate me, a good start would be to explain how this sorry excuse for a poll says anything positive about the person who commissioned it. Seems a bit desperate to me.

    Oh, and I have read several other sites where this topic has been discussed and there seems to be a general dismissal of this obvious puff poll.

    Have a nice day, and say hi to Mrs Anonymous for me.

  6. Anonymous10:03 PM

    This was a puff poll. Joe put this out to try to keep himself relevant. 21% for a person who ran in 2004 is not good and the information provided was very slanted. But lets not beat up on each other. The previous person is right, both of them are saying this Meuser is the front runner. Not a smart move if I was there campaign manager. Remember we want CARNEY- he is beatable because he know has a record that is very liberable to defend.

  7. Ok, I read the poll, Peters is portraid as an Eliot Ness. Yes, if I heard the same speach over the phone, I would be somewhat impressed. Then the following question was polled "Would you vote for a candidate who just moved into the District in order to run for Congress". You know what, I would probably say as well that I would be less likely to vote for that person because that is all the pollers are saying about the opposing candidate. Now, if the poller stated what this opposing candidate represents, what this candidates support history has been, signed the americans for tax reform and everything this candidate has done for local communities and charities, then I would answer that I would most likely vote for that candidate over the Eliot Ness want-a-be!!!

  8. Anonymous7:05 PM

    So let me get this straight Yankee: A person becomes a city police officer, decides to persue a law degree, becomes a federal prosecutor and is part of the team that prosecutes and convicts noted philly mob boss Nick Scarfo, in that process hegains a reputation of being incorruptable, so much so that he and his colleagues are branded modern untouchables. This is all bad how?

  9. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Joe is a nice guy and this bio just is a little bit over the top. The problem is that Joe can't win. He has too much baggage and he can't raise the money. Likeable yes. Winnable no.

  10. Anonymous7:41 PM

    What baggage?

  11. is this true about the prosecutor part, found this on another blog, he was only sworn in for 40 minutes to interview one witness during trial????

  12. Anonymous3:08 PM

    if you are referring to his marriages, I think we need to look at what he can do. Almost everybody knows somebody who is divorced that does not make them a bad person or a person that could not win a Congressional race.

  13. Anonymous8:26 AM

    if republicans are going to worry about divorce/marriage the front runners for president better drop out.
