Saturday, October 06, 2007

Cars drive me nuts

I know it's a short trip. In the space of 3 days we've had 3 automobiles break down. On Thursday Mrs G's mom's Olds blew a brake line and we had to have it towed to our friendly neighborhood mechanic, Ferack's Auto Service. Joe's motto is "we cheat the other guy and pass the savings on to you." He fixed it in record time, for him, and we picked it up on Friday. After getting home we noticed that our Jeep was leaking anti-freeze so it gets to spend the weekend at Joe's. Then today I get into our 95 Taurus and the brakes don't work and found that brake fluid is leaking at the same spot as the Olds.

Is there some sort of contagious fluid leaking disease that infects cars?


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    That sign is classic!

  2. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Ferack is the best. I have been taking my cars there for the last five years or so.

  3. Anonymous1:27 PM

    losers haha I have not had a car since i got into a small ac cident on Wyoming Ave a week before easter 2006. My breaks were kind of shitty and i bumped someone at 7mph there car was fine my hood was messed up. My dad kept the insurence money we gave the car away in exchange for any fee and now I live in the DC area and dont need one. Dont worry in fifty years from nail the W-b to scranotn and the scranont to NY rail will almost be halfway done

  4. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Without a doubt the Best in Town!
