Friday, October 12, 2007

Luzerne County poll

The mysterious poll that was taken over a month ago but no one would take credit for finally has a father. The Skrepenak/Petrilla campaign manager, Mike Prociak, has admitted that they paid for it, like there was any doubt about it. Who else has the money? They won't make it public but it appears that the Citizens Voice and Times-Leader have seen it.

The surprise was that it has numbers on 2 of the row office races. In the Sheriffs race Republican incumbent Barry Stankus is leading challenger Mike Savokinas as expected. Savokonis is the only county candidate with a website and he raises questions about the finances of the office. The poll also said that Recorder of Deeds Mary Dysleski and Democrat Red O'Brien are in a close race.

Prociak said that Democrats Greg Skrepnak and Maryanne Petrilla are win and place but wouldn't tell us who is show. The 3rd place candidate said it was bullshit: "It was their poll," Steve Urban said. "I doubt any of the questions benefited me. So, you can't judge anything by what it says." The other Republican candidate Bill Jones could not be reached for comment as usual.


  1. Anonymous12:21 PM

    this poll is anabomination to political scince, i have no problem with a party taking a poll saying who was winning and keeping the methodology secret, but this hack of thiers is makeing more generic claims such as people belive coruption is down. You can't make those type of claims without relaiseing the poll,but since the papers do not know anything about political scince they let those statement be made without question

  2. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Regarding the recent poll and the sheriffs dept. Well lets see did anyone see this poll?? Well I know for a fact that the poll asked a question to how would you rate the job performance of the row officers. Now is that a slanted poll?? I want to know why nobody is talking about the county unions endorsments?? I think that is a poll in itself. Savokinas blew out Stankus for has held the office for 8 years by a margin of 76% to 24% now thats a POLL.

  3. The union support for Savo is impressive. It sounds like many of the courthouse employees are unhappy with Stankus.

  4. Anonymous9:04 PM

    If most courthouse employees are unhappy with somebody then he must be doing a good job, Most(iam sure there are some good ones) people in the courthouse get thier jobs through patronage, elimoating a GOP row officer would expand the dmeocrats patronage regime. It happens in every county for both parties. the only different is in montco and Bucks the GOP commissoners hire qualified GOPers for patronage jobs while Dems in luzeren higher thier cousins

  5. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Bill, Please learn how to spell. Stankus has had more union greivences filed against him than any elected offical in county's history. He also has several federal lawsuits that were filed and settled against him. We need someone in office who will fight the drugs and the crime in this area. I have been following Savokinas's since he begain he campagin. He is the right man for the right job. I hope the people elect Savokinas he will be a Sheriff for all the people.

  6. Anonymous2:46 AM

    i really dont care what you think about my spelling or who is the next Sheriif, but I would rather spell wrong than have my facts wrong.( I know how to but I prefer not to recheck for typos)
    the Sheriff in county gov't has little if anything to do with fighting crime. We no longer live in the old West. The Sherriff's main duty is to oversee the transportation of prisoners from A to B. The DA and the police departments fight crime, towns that dont have police either rent them form other towns or call the state troopers.

    I would rather have a sheriif who has workers complain about him than one who oversteps his statutory bopunds and fights crime. As G has mentioned many many times before all of theses offices should be slected not elected. only DA, comish, and controller should be deiced by the people.

    Inspeaking of fighting crime I though Dave Lupas planned to lock up all the drug dealers. how is that going? the only town with real success in the police department is Kingston which happens to be run by a republican, not that it menas anything becuase I think Lieghton is doing the best anyone can and I am sure somewhere there is a GOP mayor who sucks(and i am nothting about you know who)

  7. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Bill, If you look to the southern states you see the sheriff's department involved in every aspect of the law. They help their neighbors and they do reduce crime. If you look at the citizen voice today you see that crime is up mainly in wilkes-barre. I guess you are proud of the fact that you can buy the must pure herion in the state right in our backyard that is Wilkes-Barre. I know that in the past 8 years crime has gooten worse and I think somebody needs to step up and address this problem and not just put their heads in the sand like you. I see you mention that the sheriff's main job is to transport criminals, well again get your facts straight. Thats a big part, but they also run the Real Estate Part, Gun Permits, Protection Orders to name a few and do yourself a favor and check into the sheriff's audit regarding the Real Estate and you will see what a great jon he is doing wasting our hard earned tax dollars. My hat goes off to you and the Sheriff for such a great job

  8. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Again in luzerne County the sheriif's office does not have the authority to be involved in all aspects of the law. As I said i dont care either way, becuase it is not an importnat position. Dave Lupas has been DA for some time it is his fault(if anyone county wide) crime is up not the Sheriff's fault who is onvolved is more administrative duties. maybe the dem is a better admin, but in PA the Ocunty Sheriff is a glorified admin not an officer of the law

  9. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Bill, Please do yourself and favor and check the Lackawanna County Sheriff's Dept web site. They are our neighbors and they are located in PA and yes they are very active in law enforcment. The have a 24/7 dept and they make arrests and assit the local police. Why is that??????? Our county is a joke and its time to wake up before its too late.

  10. Anonymous11:40 AM

    If the Sheriif could be more active in crime he would be becuase it is easy press coverage, so I am asusming the current sheriif is not involved becuase he does not get the funding and authourity from the commissoners. The websie is not accuaret becuase the sherriff is involved in law enforcement but not really. Whenever their is an arrest on TV you see the DA and the local cops, the Sheriif will transfer him to the cell and sell his car. You want you elecred officials to act like roussean demagougues who do whatever they think the people want without and regard for thier traditional role and the proper division of labor within there spehere. The solution to the crime problem in Luzerne County is not another layer of law enforcemtn but perjhaps bigger and more agile law enforcement and a better DA, but it seems we are getting Lupas's hack.

  11. Anonymous11:44 AM

    the debate this role of the sheriff is futher proof that the position should be selected not elected. because there is noth8ng scarier then an elected official who normall had a limited role, but becuase of his title people allow him to have too much power than he should. Someone who wants to play Sheriff could really reak havoc for 4 years

  12. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I have been hearing a lot about this Savokinas guy. He was a cop for a couple boroughs and also works as a railroad cop. He does lectures at schools and discusses the wrongs of doing drugs and alcohol to children. He is a hard worker, loves his family, has more friends than anyone I know of. He wears his pride and shows it much. He has made many arrests with dui's, drug's etc.. He fights to protect the communities he serves. I feel Michael Savokinas would be an excellent candidate for sheriff of luzerne county. As far as stankus, I only hear negative stuff about him, don't know him personally, but the word of mouth going around is that Savokinas is going to kick some ass at the upcoming elections. Hope things work out for him as I know I will be protected with him on duty and running the show.

  13. Anonymous12:25 AM

