Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Luzerne County Sheriff

Barry Stankus, the incumbent Republican Sheriff is facing a stiff challenge from Mike Savokinas in the only county race that has some excitement. Stankus has done a good job the last eight years but you can always do better. His opponent points out some shortcomings and offers his ideas to improve the office. Stankus snagged the endorsement of both local papers. The CV said "Stankus has done a good job for eight years and deserves to be retained in his office." The TL said....sorry, the article has expired on the web. I hate to bitch about the local papers because I rely on them but the TL charging money for a story more than 2 weeks old (3 bucks!) is stupid.


  1. Anonymous10:27 AM

    The Times Leader gave Stankus the endorsement because he has proven experience and leadership. He also ran the department effectively throughout his time as sheriff according to the Times Leader. Keep in mind that Savokinas was trying to cherry pick his way into the sheriff's office since 2002 when he first announced his candidacy for sheriff. Given the short paragraph the TL gave Savokinas the political writers probably don't see him as much as a threat to Stankus even though they were much kinder to Savokinas this time around (last time they dismissed him as a joke). Savokinas will either do one of two things by running each election for sheriff. His persistence will either gain more support over time to eventually oust Stankus or be a shoe-in for when he retires (This strategy worked before - remember Nixon?) or he'll become a laughing stock like Jesse Jackson was in the 1970's, 1980's and 1990s for perpetually running for an office he has no shot at getting.

  2. Anonymous11:29 AM

    No one seems to be talking about the Luzerne County Employees poll for the Local 1398 Union. Savokinas received 76 % of the vote compared to Stankus with 24 %. This union is made up of more than 500 members. I believe Savokinas has a real shot to knock off Stankus.

  3. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Everyone does not seem to get it with Stankus. This guy won by accident. He would have never beaten Zawatski if there was not the problem with his daughter. 2. Stankus beat Zawatski (4) years ago with that same problem. 3. Under Stankus there has been more union grivences and unfair labor pratices against Stankus more than any other sheriff in history. 4. Crime has risen more under Stankus the last 8 years. 5. Stankus blames everyone but himself for problems in his office just tale a look at the audit. That audit is a mess with missing Taxpayer money and Stankus passes blame and says he has been trying to get a bookeeper but he can't. Well thats a lie becuase he never asked for a book keeper. Just check the minutes of the meeting from the Salary Board Meetings. 5. There are over 1,400 outstanding warrants and Stankus blames the Clerk of Courts for this, again not taking any blame. Stankus says that he has not man power etc, but again another LIE. He has hired over 15 part-time deputies in the last 3 months for political reasons. Stankus continues to deceive the public and the press with his LIES, LIES, LIES. Stankus also stated that he wants a Grant Writer, but the truth of the matter he has 8 years to hire one and NEVER DID. He he just taking ideas from SAVOKINAS and putting a spin on them. My vote goes to Savokinas our children and tax dollars deserve that much.

  4. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Eddy, You refer to Savokinas as a joke. Well lets see his first time run for the office in a race of 5. He gained over 8,000 votes not bad for a first time try. His second run for the office he over came a huge factor. That factor was "Nipper". NIPPER was ran for the office of sheriff for over 20 years. He ran on both tickets flipping parties several times. Savokinas has proven himself as a fighter and a sure winner. Ed the vote totals don't lie. He pulled over 16,000 votes. There were over 30,000 democratic votes cast for that office. It seems all Savokinas must do know is pull his 16,000 votes and the other 15,000 democratic votes will come. So I don't count Savokinas out I thin alot of people will be shocked come Tuesday the 6th.

  5. Anonymous1:31 PM

    what exactly does the sheriffs office have to do with crime? in luzerne country aren't they just kind of baliffs?

  6. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Look to the Sheriff's department in Lackawanna County they operate 24 hours a day and seven days a week. They assist their local police depts to help fighting crime and if you check the stats in Lackawanna county it shows that it works. Crime in Lackawanna County is down unlike crim in Luzerne County which has risen more than anytime in the history of the county. If you look to the southern states and the western states the sheriff's department is active in all aspects of law enforcment assist their neighbors.

  7. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Anon 12:46. Let me clarify I never called Savokinas a joke. I said that the first time he ran for sheriff the Times Leader dismissed him as a joke. For the record I am a republican but I voted for Savokinas each time he ran and I will keep voting for him as long as he decides to run. He like other younger candidates has ideas that he wants to bring to the table. We need some new blood in there to bring in change get rid of the dead weight and finally get something done besides sign foreclosure papers. If anyone is a joke in that department it's Stankus. I don't trust anyone who works for that department under his command. I have my reasons for this and it is the topic of a nother discussion.

  8. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Wilkes-Barre Can Survive endorses Mike Savokinas for Sheriff of Luzerne County. Mr. Stankus has proved that he is one more good ol' boy in a network of corruption and human filth. Mr. Savokinas will bring youthful exuberance as well as years of knowledge to the sheriff's office, and we won't have to worry about Mr. Savokinas sacrificing professionalism in order to appease the powers that be. He will do his job and do it to the best of his ability.

  9. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I looked at Savo's arrest record via google. Very easy to find. This guy goes by the book, you don't find to many people out there like that. It appears he is not a person whom accepts "pay to play" bribes, crushing fines, hearings, we need a decent person whom will put there foot down and nail the bastards whom commit crimes. Sorry for the language, it's just that you hear so much about corruption out there in public office. I pray if he gets elected, he can clean up the sheridan manor in wilkes barre. I live accross the street and there are always drug deals going on there and in Kent Lane & Metcalf Streets. So Mr Savokinas, if you get elected, please focus on this area. I have children. Myself, my wife and I will get my brothers and sisters and extended family to vote for you.

  10. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I have know Mike for since I graduated from the Police Acad. I have nothing to gain from this blog since I am now a resident of Maryland at this time. But to speak of Mike's reputation as a law enforcement officer he is on the square. Very professional and thats what Luzerne County needs. Possibly he can obtain the goal of a full service sheriff's office. Contract with the Boroughs and Townships to provide police services and end the part-time police nightmare of the county
