Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I haven't seen a local election in Luzerne County so boring as this one. Not much paid media and even a lack of yard signs. Most of the offices are usually decided in the Democratic primary but even in May there wasn't much doubt that David Lupas would win the nod for Judge and Jackie Mo would be the next District Attorney. The biggest surprise was John Corcoran winning the nomination for Coroner with Jim Desiderio winning a write-in effort for the Republican slot.

The TL is starting it's endorsement inquisitions and Democratic Sheriff candidate Michael Savokinas tried to make some hay over an audit of the office done by Democratic Controller and Commissioner candidate Maryanne Petrilla. Not much there except some suggestions to do things in a more timely manor. He has some ideas for the office to do more and incumbent Republican Barry Stankus responds that's nice, but how are you going to pay for it.

Democrat Mike Morreale is a good bet to best Gina Nevenglosky for another term as Treasurer and Clerk of Courts Bob Reilly will probably defeat Republican Sue Rossi. Even the Recorder of Deeds race has been calm despite the theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars from the office. You would think that Red O’Brien would be knocking incumbent Republican Mary Dysleski over the head about it. But Dysleski has a defense ready according to the TL: She said she instituted financial controls that detected the theft, and she immediately alerted the district attorney’s office. “We did the right thing and kept everything in the open.”

The Commissioners race is not in doubt but at least it's providing some entertainment with Greg Skrepnak calling Steve Urban a terrorist. And today Skrep asked of Urban "In eight years, what has he done but bitch?" And that great American organization The League of Women Voters will be sponsoring a forum for the Commissioner candidates Oct. 18, which will start at 7 p.m. in the Burke Auditorium at King's College's McGowan School of Business, North River and West Union streets, Wilkes-Barre. Bill Jones said he can't make it but he has missed most of the campaign so far anyway.

Wilkes-Barre Online chimes in on the lack of activity in W-B, Are we holding an election a month from now, or was it secretly postponed? And The Lu Lac Political Letter says It's now or never in the W-B Mayors race and provides links to the candidates websites. The only website for any of the W-B council candidates I have found is for Walter Griffith.

County Republican Chairwoman Lynette Villano gave another lame excuse for the impending blowout saying she thinks the buzz over the 2008 presidential race is also overshadowing the November election. Sorry Lynette but readers of this site know the real buzz is about the 2008 10th Congressional District race.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:02 AM

    You mention that there is not much to the audit. Did you read this audit besides the fact that its a huge mess, there appears to be missing money that is the tax payers money. Do yourself a favor and check out the audit for yourself at
    I see that you mention where is savokinas going to get the money for his ideas. He mentions GRANTS, Grant Writer. The Sheriff continues to hire part time deputies like crazy he has hired atleast 20 political favors in the past 3 months. Where is he getting the money for them. This man is a joke and crime is much worse the last 8 years under his leadership. Time for a change
