Thursday, November 29, 2007

Barletta vs Kanjorski?

There is yet another will he or won't he run for Congress or Governor or President or Mexican, er, Dog Catcher story about Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta in today's CV that doesn't answer the question. The Pennsylvania Republican Chairman Bob Gleason thinks “He’ll have one of the best-funded races in the country” if he runs. He would probably need at least $2 million and he would be on his own to raise it because the NRCC is broke and the national committees will spend whatever money they have defending the Republican incumbents that don't retire (23 so far). And remember the national money pulled out during his last bid when the polling showed him falling way behind in 2002 and that was a good Republican year unlike this one.

Kanjo's response to this perceived threat is to say "me too" on immigration and just being the Congressman Kanjorski that brings home the bacon. $50 million for a flood control project in Wilkes-Barre and money for another in Scanton with West Hazleton getting a new fire truck paid for with federal funds. Then he steps into it about tolling I-80.


  1. Barletta - next Governor

  2. Anonymous3:13 PM
