Friday, November 30, 2007

Guinness is good

To some people it's downright irresistible.

DUBLIN, Ireland-Ireland's police announced a manhunt Thursday for a beer bandit who drove into the Guinness brewery and left with 450 full kegs.

The national police force, the Garda Siochana, said a lone man drove into the brewery -- a Dublin landmark and top tourist attraction -- on Wednesday and hitched his truck to a fully loaded trailer awaiting delivery to city pubs.

Diageo PLC, the drinks company that owns Guinness, said the brewery had never suffered such a large-scale theft before in its 248-year history.

I just want to point out that I wasn't in Ireland on Thursday. Tip of the pint to Wonkette that had this in the comments:

An old Irish joke:

"What's the similarity between an American beer and making love on a boat?"

They're both fucking close to water...

Thanks to Another Monkey for the pic.


  1. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Guinness is good Gort! It's good for you! If you drink enough it makes you smart! It makes you do smart things!

  2. Yes it does my friend. I have fond memories of sharing the frothy liquid that resulted in some of our more intelligent actions. Not to mention how it increased our respect for law enforcement and medical professionals.
