Tuesday, December 04, 2007


I just checked the list of Pennsylvania's Most Influential Political blogs on blognetnews and somehow Gort42 is ranked number 2 this week after being out of the rankings for a few weeks. I can't argue with Jane (happy blogoversary my friend) being ranked number 1 but I seriously doubt that this little blog is more influential than some of the others on the list as follows:

1 Above Average Jane
2 Gort42
3 Suburban Guerrilla
4 The Pennsylvania Progressive
7 West Chester Unplugged
8 Young Philly Politics
9 The Carbolic Smoke Ball
10 Booman Tribune
11 Keystone Politics
12 Comments From Left Field
13 Lincoln Blog
14 Lehigh Valley Ramblings
15 Pawatercooler.com
16 Pennsyltucky Politics
17 PSoTD
18 malcolmxpark.org
19 Is this Life?
20 Attytood

Many must reads are missing from this list. I'm sure I won't be ranked next week.


  1. Don't be so modest! I had a conversation with two separate people yesterday who brought up your blog. :-)

  2. Congrats. Well deserved.

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Congrats, my friend!!! I guess we won't see you at Mark's for another year.

  4. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I'm angrier than a one armed juggler that the commie that runs this site is at #2 while a fine young conservative (and a patriot at that) like Dr. Rick doesn't even crack the list! No doubt, another commie facade!! I hate you all!!

  5. Theres a guy with an eye for talent.

    Yo, Gort, wheres my name!?!?!

    I get comments about not being on lists! BUT, Watercooler did make it.

  6. Gort,

    I've wondered about that list myself. Anything that doesn't have Capitol Ideas and Keystone Politics near the top is questionable. This isn't to detract from your influence, which is considerable, but me at #1? That's whacked.

  7. Thank you my friends.

    Blognet says "The exact method BNN uses to calculate influence scores must remain proprietary in order to prevent attempts to game the system."

    Somehow I think that they are gaming us. My numbers have about normal and the only thing I think I did different this week was to post a lot of outbound links. Whatever, I'll take the kudos and it was great that Jane was ranked number one on her 3rd blogoversary.

  8. Anonymous9:59 AM

    You just keep on keepin' on, you're doin' great.

  9. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I think it's weighing inbound links and trackbacks to come up with this ranking.
