Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Hillary wins NH

So much for the politics of hope. Clinton wins a narrow victory over Obama. But as her people like to say, this is a marathon not sprint.


  1. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Since when did New Hampshire become so lame?

  2. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I want to know where the pope's next prediction is?

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    amazing how far a little tearing up will change people's opinion... the bleeding hearts love weakness

  4. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Hey gort, what do you think about this possible "centrist" 3rd party meeting in Oklahoma? Lots of big names (Michael Bloomberg, Gary Hart, Christine Todd Whitman, Sam Nunn, David Boren, Chuck Robb, etc...) Does this have legs?

  5. I have yet to see a good picture of HRC. Either her eyes are closed or her mouth is wide open...or everything else looks fine but her eyes look wild and a little crazed. She is a nice looking person, too.

    I think primaries are like foreplay - but the time between the foreplay and the actual deed is too long so it doesn't do any good anyway.

  6. I think you should start a gallery of these hilarious Hillary pics. They crack me up.

  7. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Re: forrest gump; His Holiness does not brag--but when all of the pundits called for a Barak landslide, I, with my education (via various Seminaries) was the ONLY ONE who called it correctly for Hillary!! God Bless!!!
