Thursday, January 10, 2008

Luzerne County

With all the fun in the PA 10th CD race I've fallen behind on the latest Luzerne County news.

After his challenge to latest bond issue got tossed on the grounds that he doesn't have standing to make such an objection Tim Grier filed an appeal with the Commonwealth Court. After the decision by the state Department of Community and Economic Development dismissed the complaint Democratic Commissioner Greg Skrepenak couldn't resist tossing insults at Grier and accusing the Republican Commissioner Steve "the terrorist" Urban of a conspiracy. Now Skrep and the other walking ad for weight watchers Attorney Pete Moses are acting like bullies. They are threatening to seek reimbursement for county legal fees and court costs and want Grier to post a $80 million bond to pursue the appeal.

There’s no way I’m going to have to post a bond. That would make it impossible for anyone to challenge borrowing,” Grier said.

Out of this whole mess there is a renewed call for Home Rule.

Home rule redux?

More than four years after home rule’s defeat by a margin of 54 percent to 46 percent, David Capin is gathering support for another try.

Check out the website:

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