Sunday, February 03, 2008

Eddie Day Pashinski for State Representative

I attended Pashinski's reelection kickoff at the Ramada on public square in Wilkes-Barre yesterday. I almost never make a morning event because of my schedule but I made an effort because Jason sent me a special invite.

The room was packed to the point that people couldn't find seats at the tables. There had to be 2 or 3 hundred.
I said hi to W-B Mayor Tom Leighton and a few other notables such as our new Coroner John Corcoran and longtime school director candidate Joe Moran. I played football with Joe's kids, they were better than me. For some reason Todd Vonderheid ignored me. Maybe he didn't like the Bond Brother moniker that I hung on him.
I haven't heard of a primary challenger or a Republican one to Eddie. Petitions have to be in Feb. 12th. What is Christine Katsock up to?

The local papers have the highlights:

Just in time on Saturday I got this update in the mail from our local rep with the blinding smile.



  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Interesting note: The LuzCo Dem Party refused to assist Obama backers in their efforts to obtain signatures. No Obama petitions were permitted at the Pashinski event, but Clinton petitions were being circulated. Same thing happened in Scranton recently at another event. Not a very democratic Democratic party.

  2. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Not really that interesting...Obama is going to get slaughtered in the 10th and 11th districts in the primary.

  3. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Sure, only if the same sheeple who voted for Skrep vote for Billary.

  4. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Eddie Day is another joke that shows the lack of mental strength of the people of Northeast PA. "He was in a band and he's a Dem so let's vote for him." Sometimes I think this area should be put under a glass dome and used as an experiment.
    A bunch of losers who keep going through the same cycle.
