Friday, February 15, 2008

Guesto lands on his feet

I know I have been ignoring all the fun under the dome because I'm concentrating on the various elections approaching. This is a political blog so I concentrate on elections, so shoot me.

Only in Luzerne County can a guy who was chased out his last job get a a similar one. He is at the center of the debit card controversy because he was the official that was supposed to approve any charges to the cards
in his position as county chief clerk/manager.
So when his position as chief clerk became untenable they invented a new position for him. Same old shit.
Sam Guesto has been hired for a newly created court director job, which means he will remain a Luzerne County employee when he officially ends his job as county chief clerk/manager today. Many county workers had predicted the court job was created for Guesto. Court of Common Pleas President Judge Mark Ciavarella has denied that, saying the position is warranted and that he would choose the most qualified applicant.
Guesto’s hiring takes effect today, and he will be paid $78,159.80 annually, according to the court order issued by Ciavarella Thursday afternoon.
I'm very disappointed with President Judge Mark Ciavarella but I can't say I'm surprised.


  1. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Gotta find out when Chiavarella is up for re-election...

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Guesto is a walking example of a possible need for eugenics in this country... all lying, thieving hacks should be sterilized.

  3. I wrote my opinion on my own blog. I won't bother to copy it here. These tyrants that run our county have to go.

  4. Anonymous9:32 AM

    as long as democrats continue to vote straight party tickets this will never change. since people around here can't see past the "D" this will always go on. those in office know it, so they continue to abuse the system.

  5. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Damn you liberals for trying to destroy the reputation of a fine man!! IF all public servants had the character of Mr. Guesto, the world would be a better place.

  6. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Haha, Gort. Gotta love your schizophrenic Mean ol' Man side!

  7. Once again the Dems of Luzerne County get what they vote for. They don't care either. This is going to continue. The thing is, on a local government level, D and R don't mean a thing and they are interchangeable. This is crazy. Why don't you think Todd Wonderheid and his predeccessors keep high paying jobs requiring educated people out of our area? They don't want people that can think on their own here. They only want people they can count on pulling the straight D lever. Even if you aren't a Democrat, you register as one so you can get a job around here or taste some of the power these people think they have.

  8. Sorry tg but I'm not the mean old man. He usually posts early in the morning right after he feeds his chickens or something.

  9. Anonymous3:45 PM

    This is where Chris Hackies money went... to the bosses who hire folks like Slimy Sammy.

    Chris Hackie is a conservative...but then again, so is John McCain.

  10. Anonymous9:19 PM

    you are exactly on the money. hackett gave to these thugs so he would get a nice fat contract and line his own pockets........ kinda sounds like kanjo....

  11. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Lands on his feet...?? his ass should land in jail!!

  12. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Can the judge really believe that Sam Guesto is the best choice? He points to Sam's experience in supervising 2,000 county employees. Let's be frank - he does not personally supervise every county employee. And he gets his marching orders from Greg. Cut the BS!!!
    I wrote a letter to the judge about his decision, pointing out that a search of the public record revealed Mr. Guesto's experiences with the county court system as a defendant before several magistrates from 2000 to 2004. No response. I have written to both newspapers and Steve Corbett about it. Something needs to be done to stop the crap that is going on under the dome in Luzerne County. It is very evident that cronyism is not only alive and well, but thriving, here.

  13. Anon 2:57

    Please send me a copy of the letters.

  14. Anonymous8:34 PM


    Sorry, I can't. I didn't keep any copies.

    May I suggest that you, and anyone who is interested, go to the following website -

    There you can search the public record and see for yourself what Samuel T. Guesto, Jr. has been up to from 2000 to 2004.

    Anon 2:57PM

  15. Anonymous10:34 PM

    With the latest revelations under the dome about no-bid food purchases for the prison from Commonwealth Foods, Inc.(reportedly owned by a friend of Skrepenak and Guesto), I have written a letter to the district attorney, requesting an investigation.

    Anon 2:57PM

  16. Please send me a copy.

  17. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Sorry, I don't have a scanner.
    Please write to the DA and ask for an investigation!

    Anon 2:57PM
