Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jonathan Talllman for Delegate

I normally could care less about who is elected as Pennsylvania's delegates to the national conventions as long as they supported my candidate or I know the person.
I've never met Jonathan but he has commented on this site and regularly mixes it up over at GrassrootsPA. There has been a long time lament that young people don't get involved in politics or even bother to vote but this young man shows that is not true. I wish I could vote for him.
From what I am sure is his very 1st press release:
Tallman, 18, Seeks to Become GOP Delegate
Jonathan T. Talllman of Honesdale, Pennsylvania announced his candidacy for a position as a delegate to the Republican National Convention being held September 1-4 in St. Paul Minnesota. Jonathan is an eighteen year old conservative Republican who proudly represents the values of the 10th Congressional District Republicans.

"I would be deeply honored to serve the Republican Party of Pennsylvania and the Republicans of the 10th Congressional District at our party's convention in September," said Jonathan. "This year, it is absolutely crucial that we win the White House. The convention will give our party the opportunity to nominate the Republican who best represents our values as established in the party platform."
On deciding to run for the position he said, "I believe that I can strongly represent the conservative principles we so greatly cherish here in the 10th District. At the convention, it will be crucial that we have conservative delegates who will proudly nominate the candidate that has the conservative credentials and leadership that Americans are looking for in a president."
Tallman is a senior at Honesdale High School. He is president of the Healthy Alcohol-Free Teens and the Community Foundation. He has been the president of his class for three years.


  1. Anonymous6:03 AM

    My heart is truly warmed that we have fine young men like Jonathan to take up the helm of our country's business. If only my two hippie sons had a fifth of this tike's gumption. Damn!!!

  2. Have fun in Minnesota, Jonathan. Glad to see another young person involved in the process.

  3. He reminds me of that kid on American Idol. You just want to pinch his cheeks.

  4. Michelle,

    What is this "American Idol" of which you speak?
