Sunday, February 03, 2008

Meet the candidate

Congressman Paul Kanjorski has a busy Monday planned.

He will be in Monroe County to make an announcement to help homeowners facing potential foreclosures. I received a nice glossy mailer (left) telling us of his concern. The big announcement will be at the Monroe County Administration Building , Public Meeting Room, #203, 1 Quaker Plaza Stroudsburg, PA.

Later in the day he will be talking to some students at Pocono Mountain West High School, Route 940 West, Pocono Summit, PA .

Congressman Chris Carney will be having another town hall meeting at 3:00 PM on Friday, February 22nd at the Northumberland County Career and Arts Center in Shamokin. And he will be having a campaign event titled Kiss the Blarney with Congressman Carney at Genetti's, 1505 Main Street, Dickson City, PA on March 7th.

The Republican 10th CD challengers will be out and about.

Paul Swiderski will be at the Woodloch, Hawley, PA on Monday, February 5th. On Saturday, February 9th you can find him at the Muir House102 State Route 2001, Milford, PA. As a public service to both my readers in Lewisburg he will be at At Vic’s Pub (inside the Victoria House), 2167 Old Turnpike Road, Lewisburg, PA on Monday, February 11th.

You can find a list of all of Swiderski's events here.

If you want to show support for Chris Hackett he is having a Petition Signing Party at his HQ, 23 Dallas Shopping Center, Dallas, PA on Tuesday, Feb. 5th. I'm off work that day and just might make it. It's not on the website calendar yet, get on the stick guys, but his campaign manager informed another blogger that he will be having a meet and greet at the Harveys Lake Grotto on on Feb.11th at 7:00 PM. Dave, you're breaking my heart.

The SU College Republicans will be hosting Davis Haire on Feb 12th. They recently had Paul Swiderski in for a chat. And on Feb. 27th they are sponsoring the first GOP Congressional Primary Debate.

State Rep candidate James May will be kicking off his effort to replace Karen Boback in the 117th district on February 11th at the Twin Stack Center, Natona Room, 1100 North Memorial Highway, Dallas.

Again, a note to all campaigns. Tell me where you guy/girl is going to be and I will be happy to pass it along.


  1. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Yeah, Dave's givin' ya no respect for your hard work and tenure...

  2. Anonymous5:28 PM


    My sincerest apologies.

    As you note, we have posted our upcoming events online.

  3. Dave,

    No apology necessary, I was just pulling your chain. You guys have done an outstanding job with the website. Adding the event schedule is great along with posting the TV and radio ads and an archive of every press release. I think it's one of the best campaign websites I've ever seen. When you ran in the Senate race in 2006 your site was great.

    Anon, You take me more serious than I take myself. I don't know what you mean by tenure but your right in pointing out that this blog does take some work.

  4. Not to be picky, but Kanjorski's ad can't have it both ways. At this point one can either attempt to safeguard the economy or protect "homeowners".

    The subprime problem is just tip of the iceberg.

    "With home prices now falling in many regions of the country, many loans that would have paid off in prior years remain in the pool and are more likely to default. BasePoint Analytics LLC, a recognized fraud analytics and
    consulting firm, analyzed over 3 million loans originated between 1997 and 2006 (the majority being 2005–2006 vintage), including 16,000 examples of non-performing loans that had evidence of fraudulent misrepresentation in the original applications. Their research found that as much as 70% of early payment default loans contained fraud misrepresentations on the application."

    You can bail out those in foreclosure, but it paints a bright neon sign upon the American economy...We're willing to devalue our dollar to screw you (bond investors) out of a return!

    Good or bad, if you choose to protect people from foreclosures, you punish those on a fixed income. The question is, do you rip off the band aid and promote the recovery of the American dollar, or do you protect those looking for a quick buck and repeat the economic history of 1990s Japan (no growth, falling real estate prices for 18 years, and capital flight)? Last time I checked, you can't improve an economy if everyone is looking to cash out.
