Friday, February 01, 2008

The money primary

A few FEC reports have been filed in the Pennsylvania 10th and 11th Congressional Districts. I will be looking at them in details over the next few days but here are the highlights from the 2 filed today.

It's not a suprise that Congressman Paul Kanjorski has over $1.4 million cash on hand after raising $674,000 this cycle. His most mentioned opponent, Lou Barletta, still owes over $150,000 from his last suicide mission in 2002. On WVIA tonight when he was asked about a possible challenge by Barletta he was almost dismissive saying that Lou is a one trick pony.

Congressman Chris Carney has raised just under a cool million the last 2 years and he has $762,000+ cash on hand. Details here.

None of the Republican challengers reports are online yet but this press release was sent to a few other people. Chris Hackett has raised over $470,000 and still has $386,000 of it in the bank.

My previous posts about FEC reports, if anyone is interested, are available at :

The money primary: Meuser files early

The money primary: Carney and Kanjo edition part deux

The money primary: Carney and Kanjo edition

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