Friday, February 08, 2008

Swiderski out of PA-10 race

Swiderski Drops Out of Congressional Race; Focuses on Rebuilding County GOP
Given the time constraints of tax season and a growing family, I have made a conscious decision to withdraw from the race for the Republican nomination for Congress in Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District. Before announcing my candidacy I made a promise to my family and clients that they will take precedence over politics, and in keeping that promise I found it difficult to devote the amount of time necessary to effectively run a congressional campaign.
A sincere thank you goes out to my wife for supporting my decision to run, to the thousands of wonderful people I have met along the campaign trail, and to the volunteers who worked hard on this grassroots campaign. I met many people who now call me their friend and hope to continue to strengthen the bonds of friendship over the next several years.
I plan to stay active in the local party, beginning with making an objective and informed decision to support one of the other remaining candidates in this race and with rebuilding the Luzerne County Republican Party.
I have not made a decision as to whom I will endorse but will do so after I meet with each of the three remaining GOP candidates in this race and discuss their positions on the issues.
The absence of an active Republican Party in Luzerne County has been and will continue to be a contributing factor in the number of unsuccessful races for our candidates on the county, state and federal level. Our current and future Republican candidates need the support of an active and organized county party here in Luzerne County. Our county party needs a leader, and I possess the qualities and character of a transformational leader. A good leader knows when to step up and when to step down.
My intention of running for Congress is a clear indication that I have a sincere interest in entering public service, and my decision to withdraw from the race to focus on rebuilding the county party best serves the interests of the remaining candidates in the race, the voters of Luzerne County (and the rest of the district), and the Republican Party. My goal is to have the party reorganized by the end of April so that we can help elect and promote quality candidates running in November's election. I welcome your thoughts and anyone who is interested in helping me rebuild the party.


  1. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Can someone tell this uninformed ignaramous that the local Republican leaders have already begun our revolution and have picked someone to lead us. It will be announced shortly. However, we can use a guy to get us beer and pizzas for our meetings. So he can have that job.

  2. lol. You're freakin' funny anon. The part about local republican leaders (if there are any) actually doing something was the best punch line I heard in a long time. The only thing any of the lame ass republican lack-of-leaders did was get behind the Meuser machine for their own personal benefit.

  3. Anonymous9:27 AM

    eddy, anon 8:15 is talking about the reemergence of a former party leader, one who didn\'t do anything but cause divisivenesses in the past. whoopie

  4. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Anon 9:27, please enlighten us oh Great Overlord!

  5. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Anon 8:15, I'll believe it when I see it. The local republican party is about a powerful at the 07 Miami Dolphins.
    As for Paul dropping out. Come on Paul, I've said in the past, whoever put you up to running should be ashamed. Ehem.....gee, do you think you'll be endorsing Chris Hackett by any chance? See, I wish I could have gotten someone to take that bet. There's a chain of links that put these two together but I thought I'd wait to see what happened first.

  6. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Swiderski drops out because of tax season and his family? Duh? He didn't know this prior to announcing? Get lost!

    This race is surely for the elite R's as now in the national election. The RINO Westmoreland Club - W-B Chamber crowd decides this one. Meuser seems to be the inside favorite and Hackett is now on the outside looking in. Hackett was smart to get lapdog and political wannabe David Madeira to try and get the Christian believer's vote.

    Like John McCain, it's now all too sickening!

  7. bob kelly get your head out of your ass. There are no links between Swiderski and Hackett.

    Swiderski entered the race and is out now. He's smart enough to realize he stands no chance against the Meuser machine so he gets out to save face. Instead of going down with the ship and embarrasing himself in the primary like Haire will Swiderski walks out intact.

    The primary will become a bloodsport between the two frontrunners and anyone who gets in their way will get involved in the crossfire. An underdog would be smart to drop out before things get really nasty.

    Unlike Bill "the baby" Jones and countless other former candidates he is willing to stay involved in politics. People know who Swiderski is now and what he stands for. People know that this kid wants to get involved with politics. He's at the right age now to make a nice political career for himself. His run for congress is nothing but a springboard.

    Nobody's stepping up to the plate to rebuild the party and he's willing to fill the void. My take is: give this guy a chance. Sh*t nobody else wants the f*cking job. If Swiderski fails at rebuilding the party in the county it won't be in any worse shape than it is now. If successful Swiderski will be credited for helping republicans get in office.

  8. Anonymous8:00 AM

    swiderski volunteered on Madeira's primary campaign

  9. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I'll say one thing for this kid,he dreams big, almost dilusional, but best of luck to you junior.

  10. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Paul - please name one single thing you have EVER done for the Luzerne County Republican Party?? Go blow away to phoney land with the rest of the do nothing bags of hot wind!!!

  11. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Gee Eddy- you really are angry- You are the worst of the whole bunch- just talking expletives at the whole world because poor little eddy didn't get the breaks others did. Hackett and Meuser worked hard and built something- take a look and maybe someday you can do something besides be angry.

    The first anon- very funny

  12. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Anon 8:00,

    You haven't got a clue.

    Swiderski was at the Baker victory party, hardly the thing the supporter of another candidate would do!!!

  13. Anonymous5:45 PM

    not the primary one - only the general and there were a few of her primary opponents there - swiderski was on Madeira's team. Just showing the connection
