Monday, March 17, 2008

Patrick Murphy for O'Bama

I read your blog.-Congressman Patrick Murphy

Chants of "Obama-08, Be part of something great" filled the air outside the Wilkes-Barre HQ of the Barrack Obama Presidential campaign before yesterday's St. Patrick's Day parade. At least 100 volunteers buzzed in and out of the building handing out balloons and green O'Bama stickers to passers by. U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy made a short speech pointing out that nobody gave him a chance of winning his seat in 2006 and many felt the same way about Obama last summer which inspired the crowd to respond with a round of "yes we can."

He spoke of his time in Iraq as an Army Captain.

TL: He is an Iraq War veteran who served in Iraq often patrolling an area in Baghdad known as “Ambush Alley.”
“As a former captain in the 82nd Airborne Division, I know that he has what it takes to be our commander-in-chief. As a congressman, I know he has the legislative chops to make the positive change that we need in our country, both at home and abroad.”

He challenged the Wilkes students in the room to catch up with the turnout from Kings College. He's a Kings alumnus and brother of W-B City administrator J.J. Murphy. He said that this is the year that is proving the old lament that young people don't vote wrong.
When I introduced myself as a local blogger he asked what site? When I told him he replied "I read your blog. It keeps me up to date on what is going on in Luzerne County." I guess I'm more popular than I thought.

The cardboard cutout of Obama was popular with picture takers. Here's one with Obama delegates Steve Rothstein and Rita Boyle.

There was much smaller contingent of Hillary supports and they were just as enthusiastic

I've posted more photos on my Facebook page.


  1. Anonymous1:58 PM

    How charming; all of the young children having a grand time!

  2. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Damn!!! I wished that I had made the subverisve event!! I had too much of Thelma Jeans Possum Pot Roast the night before and made the mistake of having one too many Stegs--I need to throw up something good and seeing this junk in person would have done the job!! God, why do I always have to have bolshevik propaganda shoved down my throat!?!?! I hate you all!!!

  3. Looks like it was fun. Sorry I missed it.

    Seems to me that whoever wins the Primary or in November, there are collector's items all over the place at Obama HQ. From the "O'BAMA" signs (limited editions, I imagine) to the tricolor version of Obama's portrait I saw in the Citizen's Voice today, there's a ;ot of good creative stuff going on there.

  4. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Here's a musical montage of the day.


  5. What a fun day. Thank you for the video.

  6. Anonymous1:57 AM
