Saturday, March 29, 2008

Senator Bob Casey endorsed Barack Obama


  1. Which one of his decision makers advised this one.

  2. Anonymous10:10 PM

    At least he took a stand.

  3. He said his kids convinced him to back Barry. Obama is the future Clinton is the past.

  4. If O'Bama :-) is the candidate then McCain is the future.
    best wishes,
    Barak O'Connell

  5. Barry did you mean to sign that last post Barack Hussein O'Connell?

  6. I saw that you renamed Obama, Barry in your post so I switched to Barak ;-) Sometimes we get too serious. By the way has Damn Meuser taken a stand on Obama's pastor. I wonder if Pastor Wright has ties to PRIDE

  7. I am surprised none of you got the connection.

    It's all pretty much payback for 1992. Gov. Bob was supposed to give an address to the Democratic convention, but was nixed away due to his pro-life views. If it weren't for the organ transplants, there was talk that Gov. Bob would have run in '96.

    "Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya! You killed my father prepare to die!" - Princess Bride (1987), GWB (2003), Sen. Casey (2008)
