Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tom Ryan for Mayor of Scranton

I usually don't wander north of the border but this guy caught my eye thanks to Politics in NEPA.

His website is lacking specifics but has an amusing video and asks what his campaign slogan should be. The choices are:

  1. Babies should be born in hospitals...not prisons.

  2. I will find Paul Sorvino's movie.

  3. Scranton, it's better than Throop.

  4. Tom Ryan, because Scranton needs him.

Unless I missed it Doherty Deceit has not mentioned him and Scranton-At-Large has been speculating about other possible candidates to run against Mayor Chris Doherty.

A YouTube video tells us more about him or maybe not.

Vote for Tom Ryan! Coming soon to Scranton PA


  1. Tom Ryan? Wasn't he married to Seven With Two from Star Trek: Voyager? Until he tried to get her to audition for amateur couples nights at sex clubs?

    Or is he the guy who keeps saving the world in those Tom Clancy novels?

    Or is he the professional gamer from Pickerington, Ohio who plays under the name Ogre2?

    Hey, it's the Heynabonics guy! I was all excited to see him in a commercial that's airing on WNEP. He's a car mechanic or something. No idea what the commercial is for.

  2. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Tom Ryan is a character in an upcoming movie abut politics in Scranton. I believe that, in the movie, the character of Tom Ryan is running for mayor. The actor playing him marched - in character - in the St. Patrick's Parade. I know this because the producer or director or writer or whatever of the film sent the station an email to promote his appearance.

  3. It's a joke? They got me.

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Yep. You've been had. For the record, April 1 is on a Tuesday this year. Coincidence? Or something more??? :-)

  5. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Yeah, I looked into's some kind of movie that they are making to make fun of all of the Democrats in Scranton. I hear that they are going to insinuate that Doherty is gay in it or something. I don't know who is making this but those local Scranton politicians will most likely tear him apart.
