Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wilkes-Barre Obama HQ opens tomorrow

TL: U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy, D-Bucks County, will be in Wilkes-Barre around 1 p.m. Sunday to speak at the official grand opening of the Obama’s Wilkes-Barre office, 41 S. Main St. Murphy also will appear in Wilkes-Barre’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Sunday. He will sign copies of his book, “Taking the Hill: from Philly to Baghdad to United States Congress” at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore on Public Square.

The first and only Iraq War veteran serving in Congress, Murphy is the brother of Wilkes-Barre Administrator J.J. Murphy.

Hillary was in Scranton for the parade today and O'Bama will be speaking to Society of Irish Women dinner at the Radisson in downtown Scranton at 7 p.m. Monday and will appear at an event sponsored by MTV News at Whistle’s Pub & Eatery on Franklin Avenue before that. Both events are by invitation only. WTF? Note to Obama campaign; rent the Wachovia Arena in W-B Twp. because I'm sure you can fill it.


  1. Anonymous5:02 PM

    why would obama spend that much mony on the arena? you are right he could fill it, but this is hillary cuntry and he wuld be better off allocating his resources elsewhere, don't ya think?

  2. Anonymous5:55 PM

    O' took me a second, but that's good. :)

  3. Fight for every vote. Fill the Arena and let him work his magic.

  4. Thats sad they need a back benching freshman from bucks County to come up. it is also sad that a moron like Patrick murphy is in Congress, while a smart a nd nice guy like his brother JJ is stuck in W-B. he would have been a great state rep, but he had some fmaily issues. he should have taken on the incumbent in this election, becuase Eddie Day may be dumber than patrick murphy

    Any word on who lieghton is supporting, my guess is hillary or no one,

    He generally stays out, also he is a cloaset Republican and voted fro bush both times.

  5. Anonymous1:35 PM

    burkean, good insight on Rep. Murphy and Leighton. As for J.J., the guy got passed over for his promotion on active duty because he wasn't smart enough, that is why he is reserves. J.J. is Tom Leighton's tool, reason enough to work to keep him out of any elected office.

  6. Sorry guys, calling Patrick Murphy a moron is a bit much. Murphy is an Iraq war veteran, former West Point professor and criminal prosecutor. You may disagree with him politically but he is sharp person.


    What happened to your blog? I was about to list you on NEPA Blogs and my blogroll but you haven't updated in almost a month. Toss me an email.

  7. anon JJ is a good guy and is better than eddie Day


    I apologize, but my duties to parliment have kepty me away, as a matter of fact that was my first comment on any blog in some time, but I will write few post today , I fi I do one related to NEPA I will know.

  8. How did the opening of Barry O'Bama's HQ go? I never made it.

    Got an e-mail at 12:20 today inviting me to participate in a B.O. conference call at 1:00. 40 minutes of advance notice!I failed to paricipate in that, too. ut I'll share the secret results with your readers:
    Barack Obama to Campaign in Philadelphia on Tuesday

    Philadelphia, PA—The Obama campaign announced today that Senator Obama will campaign in Philadelphia on Tuesday. Further details will be announced as they become available.

    Tuesday, March 18, 2008



    I like the way they don't overcomplicate that release with specifics.

  9. Anonymous10:22 AM

    It's a shame that Mr. Obama feels so little about the voters of NEPA that the first appearance of the so called man of the people is at a closed door dinner with uppity liberal ladies. It may not be too long before the little children of NEPA who adore Mr. Obama so much will have a tantrum over his treatment of them. It would do him well to, as Gort says, make an appearance at the Arena. As one of the young commentators noted, "why spend money where he knows Hillary will beat him"; I ask that young man, are you looking for a leader who gives up in the face of a uphill battle? What kind of leader is that? Perhaps Mr. Obamas absence does reflect his unwillingness to face a real challenge. Perhaps I have been proven correct, students. Class dismissed.
