Friday, April 04, 2008

Back to work

Thank you everyone for your concern and good wishes. My medical professionals assure me that I have many years ahead of me although the friendly girl on the telephone at my HMO at first referred me to a local mortician. Some sort of cost cutting measure she explained. I'm a bit behind on answering the many emails I've received of the last few days but will do my best to answer you all.
So what did I miss? The Phillies won their first game of the season today in a wild game and a few things happened in politics this week.


  1. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I liked the "Sorry, We're OPEN" sign enough to steal it; not sure where I'll use it, but I liked it!

  2. You and A Big Fat Slob both sick? What, is it something in the water up there? Oh no, that was Scranton!

    Hope you're feeling better.

    Can't miss our chance in the political sun. As you know, it doesn't happen to often.

  3. Glad you're back. Could it have been the wafting odor of my hot dogs at Mark's Pub that did you in? Second hand mustard and onions perhaps?


  4. Judi,

    If I stick to the same diet that Slobby and the Yonk have I just may croak.

    Dana, steal it all. I did.
