Friday, April 18, 2008

New twist in the 117th State Rep race

The race between incumbent Karen Boback and challenger James May has centered around teachers strikes. May has attacked her for taking at least $9200 from the PSEA implying she supports the right of teachers to go on strike. Boback has denied that pointing out she wrote legislation to prevent teacher strikes (HR562, 1/23/2008).

A few days ago the PSEA PAC sent out a voters guide type mailer to the district endorsing Boback. One of the reasons they endorsed her is circled. It says they endorse candidates that "Oppose legislation that would eliminate the right to strike by public school employees."


  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    this could be a major swing in May's favor. If he gets this out to the voters he will win and we will no longer have to listen to the blank faced, over-enunciating Rep Bobak

  2. Anonymous7:05 AM

    just hear boback's radio ad listing all of her endosments and funny thing... this one isn't mentioned....

  3. Anonymous7:40 AM

    why does May even care about teacher strikes. His kids are too good to go to public schools - just ask him.

  4. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Focus on this, she spent over $25,000 on mailers and phone calls attacking James May and calling him a liar She claims that she wants to end teacher strikes yet the PSEA spent over $25,000 sending this mailer out to all employees of the school districtin in the 117th claiming Boback will not support any bill ending teacher strikes. Who do you believe. Remember, the PSEA gave her $9,200

  5. Anonymous10:28 AM

    In response to the one comment: May cares about teacher strikes because he cares about people, specifically kids. I don't think the unfairness of teacher strikes for students and their parents is an abstract concept. It shouldn't matter where your kids go to school for you to notice the injustice in the situations around you. May has the right to choose which model of education he wants for his kids--he's exercising his right. And, if you were to ask him if his kids are "too good for public school" his answer wouldn't be yes. Instead of speculating you should go ask him.
    As a teacher, I support his stance on teacher strikes.

  6. Anonymous1:56 PM

    As a teacher, I support his stance on teacher strikes.

    Let me guess - you're a homeschooling parent without a teaching degree.

  7. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Nope - I am certified public school teacher. Thanks for playing and have a nice weekend.

  8. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I can't understand why is it ok for Boback's Campaign people to trash Mr May the way that they do. They put a pastor and a veteran as their co chair for their campaign. They then use words like liar, he is full of bull --it when refering to Mr. May who is a chaplain and veteran in one. Where is the media on this. Then they bring in good old Liz Sichler, she is the one that yelled at a duck standing on the side of the road. I believe she called the duck a S.O.B. three times and then drove her car around, parked infront of this poor helpless duck yelled again, took a picture then went into her $200 /plate fundraiser, it gets better, Buzzy then calles the duck "ducks --hole. I thank Mr may for staying focus on the issues Please Get out there and tell you friends about James May, decorated Iraq Veteran , Chaplain/Officer US Army Real leadership that will not fail. Vote May

  9. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Why should May be forced to send his kids to the Union of Socialistic Schools? For what, liberal indoctrination by the liberal PSEA teachers who march in lock-step for their union ideology?

    One sees how much these 'dedicated' teachers care about their students when they strike. Me first eh?

    No one owes any of these bastards a job, benefits, or a living for all that matters. Don't like it, go find something more lucrative like I have to do.

  10. Anonymous11:36 PM

    My eyes aren't what they used to be, but where does that mailer say that Boback either supports or opposes all that are checked. It only says that the group recommends candidates who do those things - nowhere does it say it has to be unanimous.

    Thank you for your service Mr. May. I'm sure BBC is grateful to have you, but I'm sticking with Boback. Your arrogance in predicting that you will win, and that you will "win big" in certain areas is not very becoming someone who was once a chaplain. Didn't your mother teach you any humility?

  11. Anonymous1:04 AM

    You "stick with Boback". After Tuesday, I'm sure she'll need help packing up boxes in Harrisburg and carting them back to NE PA.

  12. Anonymous3:58 PM

    You bad boy James, shame on you for telling the truth and bringing out Karen's liberal voting record.

    Its not nice to challenge a girl incumbent.

  13. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I was driving on my way home from w-b,on lake street in dallas there was a truck with a may sign on it and then there are about 5 signs for boback on the building and one by the road. Funny thing i watched two jackasses one on the phone and another park a trailer infront of the may signs so that you can not see it. If i wasn't in a hurray i would have stop. We need to vote her out. Tell everyone you know to drive by Lake Street in Dallas (pass Wendy's) and see what boback's campaign is doing. GO MAY!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Anonymous7:27 PM

    didn't anyone ever tell you signs don't vote?

    who cares?

  15. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Who told you that? I am going to call Rep Boback to see if she could put resolution together to study if signs vote and what the effects of them voting are.

  16. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Signs don't vote, but maybe she'll sponsor legislation to let them strike.

  17. Anonymous11:18 PM

    All this election stress is getting to me. I'm going to call Dr. Boback and see if she can get me a free back rub.

  18. Anonymous5:58 PM

    James May is a sore loser!

  19. Anonymous9:53 AM

    The comment that James May is a sore loser is the furhtest thing from the truth. This is a man who is always humble, and always displays integrity.It is sad that someone would say that about James,(and not display their name) when he and his family have dedicated their lives to the service of this country. If anyone really knew James,I know they would never say these things about him. I wish people would take a little more time to discover the truth about their candidates. My name Bob Sypniewski displayed proudly for James May. Let me know who you are.
