Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Yes We Can


  1. Anonymous6:53 PM

    What a fucking cunt!!

  2. And she's dropping out and endorsing on Saturday.

    What will Corbett do now?

  3. Here's what I don't get...

    There is a substantial presence of people who refuse to vote for Obama because the Junior League Senator did not win the nomination. It's a shock that her base (very pro-choice) doesn't realize that if Obama doesn't win, Roe v. Wade is through. There is a swing vote or two ready to retire once January 2009 hits. Maybe people who are that adamant about her candidacy aren't bitter, just people I would have won a lot of money from at the poker table in Atlantic City (trying not to say dim).

    Personally, I may have to "throw my vote away" for the third time since moving West and vote for Bob Barr. I can't stomach McCain's weak dollar policy (and Gramm being his econ guru).

    Repeat after me, inflation is a tax.

  4. Nepaexpat,

    That is what I don't get either. You can assume that a lot of the women and men that are Clinton supporters who threaten to vote for McCain are pro-choice and disagree with him on many different policies.

    I remain optimistic that most Democrats on her side will back him once he is officially the nominee.

  5. just read steve corbett's blog. the guy is fuckin delusional. i don't know how he defines winning and loosing, but according to him hilary didn't get beat. i don't know what you call it when your opponent gets the required delgates and you don't.

  6. On the Daily Show the night of the last primaries Stewart had McAuliffe and Stewart goes "Your strategy right now appears to be if we act deranged enough maybe they'll just give us the country".

    Maybe someone should show Corbett that.

  7. Anonymous10:09 AM

    You know, I started off liking Corbett when he first came to WILK. But it seems more and more he has become so opinionated that that you can't even have a conversation with him if you have a different viewpoint on a topic. He constantly interrupts while you try to state your position and if you are lucky enough not to get interrupted; he then shoots down your opinion and goes to a break so there is no rebuttal.

    I understand that it is his show and he controls the content but what started out as a good thing has rapidly deteriorated into a one-man sounding board. Once he starts losing audience participation, and it will, maybe he will go back to the old days.

  8. Aren't you all excited for November? We have a guy who finished in the lowest 5% at the Naval Academy and a man who rips his campaign slogan off of Bob the Builder (

    Have we been dumbed down as a nation that much?
