Saturday, June 14, 2008

YouTube weekend

Michelle sent me this

I'm Voting Republican


  1. I am voting Democrat because I want a 2-tier society, after Socialism, higher taxes, and more intrusive governmental and bureaucratic red tape.

  2. I’m voting Democrat because my last functioning brain cell expired during the Carter Administration.

  3. I am voting Democrat because I do not think that we leaked enough national security secrets to China under Bill Clinton.

  4. I am voting Democrat because I believe in “Hope and Change.”

  5. I’m voting Democrat because I really have too much money in my wallet.

  6. I’m voting Democrat because oil should stay below the soil.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe in freedom from religion.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe the media is slanted hard conservative and Keith Olbermann is speaking the truth in this desert wasteland Mr. Bush has created.

    I’m voting Democrat because I do think there should be a Department of Peace.

    I’m voting Democrat because I’m afraid of being branded a racist.

    I am voting Democrat because, doggone it, I’m tired of expedient and superior medical care.

    more at:

  7. (In Chris Crocker voice) Leave Keith Olbermann alone. Leave him alone!

    That being said, can we finally come to the conclusion that the post-9/11 recovery was purely based on the massive accumulation of debt and leverage? Can we move forward and place in leadership whose first interest isn't liquidating the treasury?

    Too bad neither side wishes to truly reduce the size of government and make localities more accountable. Everyone wants their free health care and their faith based initiative and their cheap gas.

    I look forward to seeing the Republicans getting their clocks cleaned in November. At the very least, the party can work to promote capable candidates and leadership. Maybe if those who perpetuated fraud in the private sector were adequately punished, there wouldn't be a need to raise taxes...Just a thought. It worked for Teddy Roosevelt.

  8. Oh Gort, that was beautiful. JUST BEAUTIFUL!!!!

    (wiping tear from face)

  9. I'm voting Democrat because McCain is just...McCain.

    Long live KEITH OLBERMANN!!!!!!

  10. Hilarious video. I love it.
