Monday, July 21, 2008

Daniel Kingery for President

Daniel Kingery is running for President. I hope he gets on the ballot somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I can only let you, the People of the USA, know that I am one of your candidates for the office of President of the USA.

    If you agree with the Ideas I present for our country, it is your DUTY to make sure my name gets on the ballot in your state.

    It is also your Duty to inform all your friends and family about my campaign and if you agree, to make this campaign as much yours as it is mine.

    Should you merely be "waiting for me to get my name on your ballot," do not hold your breath.

    If this country is as much yours as it is mine, than do your share of the work.


    Daniel Kingery, President of the USA-- Apprentice
