Tuesday, August 12, 2008

10th Pennsyvania CD update

Chris Hackett and Chris Carney continue the debate over debates. It's the usual dance with the challenger wanting as many as possible and the incumbent resisting the demand for one every other day. So far they have agreed to one on Oct. 30 on WVIA-TV. There may be more. “If he’d behave himself, perhaps we’d discuss more debates” according to Rebecca Gale a spokeswoman for Carney.
Carney was busy blasting clay pigeons , missing a few, over the weekend. Before that he got some big bucks for the Honesdale Readiness Center.
Hackett had an event with NRCC honcho Tom Cole to discuss energy and Carney talked with oilman T. Boone Pickens on how to get out of the mess that we are in.
Carney still has a problem with the left wing over the FISA vote. Howie and Firedoglake have teamed up with some Ron Paul types to run ads against him calling the effort Strangebedfellows.
The DCCC has started running a radio ad in the 10th to counter the pro-Hackett spots that Freedom's Watch ran last month. You can listen to it here.
They were both on WILK this past week. If you need to listen to something while you floss your teeth this is your chance.
A new feature of Chris Hackett's website is a campaign blog.
I'm all for more blogs.


  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Did anyone even attend the Hackett event other than his 3 stooges Harris, Madeira and Birmelin? I notice the campaign was careful not to post a picture of the adoring crowd.

  2. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Anon 10:24, you mean the half empty room? Yea he's a real crowd pleaser. Nobody wanted to be seen in the same room with him. It shows how little support Hackett has in his own back yard. He is toast.

  3. Anonymous5:33 PM

    aaahhh who cares. none of it matters anymore, it is time to take back control of our own lives. none of these assholes are gonna change a thing.

  4. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I'll bet Mr. Fey at Calex Express is burning about who paid for the fuel to take that truck for a photo op.

  5. Anonymous5:50 PM

    anon 8:07 I didn't realize Pittston was even in the 10th CD or did they help hide the One Source illegals working at TJMAX?
