Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dan Meuser backs Chris Hackett

And he offers up this ringing endorsement of Hackett. From the TL:
“I will always support good Republicans for office,” Meuser said. “In a choice between Chris Carney and a conservative Republican, I will always choose the conservative Republican.”
A few days ago Meuser announced that he departing Pride Mobility to pursue a full-time career in public service. He has been on an extended leave of absence from the firm after losing his bid for the Republican nomination in Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District in the April primary.
"I have always had a strong interest in government affairs on the federal, state and local level. My recent venture into politics, combined with my leadership of Pride Mobility’s government affairs initiatives, solidified my desire to pursue community- and government-related endeavors full time,” Meuser said in a press release. “I am grateful to be in a position to pursue my ambitions, and look forward to continuing my active involvement with initiatives that ideally, will benefit the residents in our local communities and beyond.”
We will hear from Dan again.


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I read the TL and didn't see Meuser mention Hackett by name.

    Conservative Republican and registered Republican bought and paid for by conservative Pat Toomey are two different people here.

    Classy move Dan!

  2. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Classic Classless Dan Meuser. I am very sorry I voted for this sad excuse for a man.

  3. Anonymous11:12 AM

    It's funny how the cream always rises to the top. After a slanderous primary, personal attacks and an outright assault on one of the area's finest companies, Meuser still does the right thing. Hackett should now publicly apologize to Pride Mobility and its employees for outright lies he and his surrogates made up about that fine company. We'll see if Hackett matches Dan's class and finally does the right thing?????

  4. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Act like an adult and get over it already.

  5. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Dan Meuser sounds like he's going to be the next Arlen Spectacle - I mean Specter. He's going to run for every office at every level until he finds a post.

  6. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I'll follow Dan's lead, I'm voting for him, a true conservative, in November.

    I encourage all who are less than thrilled with Hackett to "write in" Dan Meuser.


  7. I'll admit it. Dan Meuser is a bigger man than I am. I think it was a class move. I know I would not be as forgiving.

  8. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Well said Kar! But I think I am going to vote for Carney, so that I will get a chance to vote for Dan again in 2010!

  9. Anonymous4:05 PM

    What lies were told about Pride Mobility? It is not a bad thing to tell the truth even if it makes Damn Meuser upset.

  10. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Maybe my post was less than clear. I'm taking Dan's advice by voting for him, Dan, a man I consider a true conservative.

    What lies about Pride Mobility???
    The lies are well known and have been discussed here and at other sites.

    Hackett is now reaping what he has sown, and I couldn't be happier.


  11. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Kar are you steve corbett.... wah wah wah, crying over spilled milk. you lost, your candidate was rejected.

  12. ho-hum... KAR to the rescue again.

    Tell me something, do you wear a cape when you type on Dan's behalf? lol

    Kar, if you really listened to yourself you should realize that you stooped down to the level of a PUMA.

    Obviously, Meuser is grooming himself for another shot at office somewhere in the region. There is no doubt in my mind that with the right people around him, Dan Meuser can be a fine politician and would do well representing the people he seeks to get support from. I just hope that Meuser realizes if he has idiots like KAR representing him, Meuser might as well put the proverbial noose around the neck of his future political career. Meuser needs a stronger organization with people who represent him and his ideals rather than hiring the "blogging bulldog".

    By the way, what are Meuser's ideals?

  13. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Meuser's Ideals?


  14. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Wait a minute.... Dan can't vote for Hackett ! and a good thing. I wouldn't vote for Hatchett either.

  15. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Hey that's right, Damn Meuser can vote for Kanjorski because he never even lived in the 10th. What a lying cheating scam artist. Maybe he is trying to separate himself from any pending RICO investigations. I hear Dan and PRIDE have a host of possible RICO predicates.

    Hey KAR, if you were a girl or gay how far would you let Damn Meuser go on the first date

  16. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I think you all need to pay a little more attention to what Dan said. He never endorsed Hackett and Bill O'Boyle knows that to be true. Did Bill ask Dan the direct question? If he did and Dan made a clear endorsement why didn't he print it and use the qoute. If Dan was being cagey with his answer why didnt bill report that? All he reported was that Hackett would not discus the meeting because it was "Private" The truth is Dan never endorsed Hackett and he was clear in the meeting that he would not support him. This is another example of Hackett lying about a meeting.

  17. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I forgot how much fun the stuff about the 10th was!
    Hackett is going to lose badly. Depending on which poll numbers you believe, even adding in Dan's supporters wouldn't help. Hackett is a flawed candidate that ran a slash and burn primary, and hasn't tried real hard to mend any fences. The Toomey crowd keeps trotting out this ilk of candidate and expects to sweep into every office, but I don't think they've won one. When they run someone against Specter in a couple years, and finally do beat him in the primary, it just means another Dem seat in the Senate.

  18. I disagree. The race will be very close. It's not a democrat district, but there are just enough republicans who support Carney because of his involvement in the military to make it within a 5-10 point margin.

  19. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Hackett hasn't switched gears into the general. Unless it's still too early...He was all over the airwaves 2 months out in the primary. I wonder if he finally realized his primary tactics aren't going to work in the general...

  20. My guess is that he's spending his time gathering funds for the all out air war in late October
