Thursday, August 21, 2008

Reassessment in Luzerne County going forward

Commissioner Greg Skrepenak has been playing to the crowd proposing the reassessment of properties in the county be stopped. Commissioners Chairwoman Maryanne Petrilla and Commissioner Stephen A. Urban want the process to play out and Skrep's motion to stop it was ignored.
NANTICOKE -"Motion dies. Move on please," Petrilla said.
I checked out the protest Monday at the courthouse led by Michelle Boice from Harveys Lake and I always enjoy being in the company of my fellows citizens that petition their government for the redress of grievances. There was a lot of sloganeering including chants of "One term Petrilla" and "Pack your bags Urban."
My view is that you can't throw out a 2 year process that cost over $8 million. Fix the mistakes and move on.
Some other locals have a similar view:
Wilkes-Barre Online-Harveys Lake 1965
I have more protest pics at my Facebook account.


  1. Anonymous6:08 AM

    My sympathies lie with the working/lower middle class residents who have had snags in their reassessments. However, I have no sympathy for the "gated community" Harvey's Lake residents. They have created a "Hamptons in Luzerne County" atmosphere and they cry when they have to pay extra taxes for it??? Poor Jim Nelligan can't pay his taxes--while living off of the congressional pension he earned from serving one term in congress--that I and many other working class citizens paid for. Poor Jim, Poor Harveys Lake stuffshirts; WAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!

  2. I'm in 100% agreement with Pope George Ringo.

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    fuck the lake residents. they took a jewel of recreation in nepa and turned it into their own little back yard. well crybabies it is time to pay for you selfish arrogance.

  4. Anonymous1:12 PM

    You can say want you want about how poorly the program is being rolled out, but these people that just want to get out of having an equitable distribution of the pain is annoying. Continue to sock some elderly person in Wilkes Barre so I can live on the cheap in my mansion on the lake? Come on...if you're going to argue argue for fairness, not just to get out of pulling your weight...
    And Skrep goes from Hero to Villain to Hero in the span of about 11 months....

  5. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Nelligan was short on substance. The older he gets, the more miserable and nasty he gets. Watch his road rage on the highway too.
