Friday, September 05, 2008

McCain makes it official

Yeah, but what about the issues?


  1. Underneath the rhetoric, there seems to be an anti-union message out there especially the teacher's unions.

    Thank God(I hope he hears this Democrat, since the base only has his ear) most teachers have No Child Left Behind to help them chart their course.

  2. Definitely an anti-teacher union message - one that I agree with. When teachers go on strike because they don't want to pay for their own benefits like the rest of us, they forget why they went into teaching in the first place - to educate our children. When teachers strike, the taxpayers and our youth suffer. Greed is an evil thing. I think that the citizens of the Commonwealth of PA should stand up to the corruption brought out by PSEA and lobby our representatives to make teacher strikes illegal.

  3. Anonymous10:17 AM

    CNN's Jeffrey Toobin called Mac's speech one of the worst while over at MSNBC, Christ Matthews pretty much called it a home run. Whatever the outcome of this election, it would be refreshing to see a blowout. I'm tired of this fifty fifty bull***t. I wish the country would stop being so fickle and decide on a leader (preferably Barack). Bless you all.

  4. Believe it or not, I believe Rendell was right when the state was looking at health benefits for PA teachers. 90% of teacher strikes are over heath benefits.

    While one may look at the teachers as greedy, they are holding the finger in the dike before you end up paying 100% for you health benefits.

    From my grassroots work, employers in the USA want to bail on employee healthcare. They cite the coded "market driven" and free market. Right now over 60% of plans come from employers.

    While in some instances the teacher look greedy compared to the rest of us, they are the last hope left to turn the tide.

  5. Interesting comments coal,

    I could be very mistaken by saying this (and I don't mean to argue the issue or sound crass - I'm merely speaking from my casual observations here), but not once have I ever heard the teachers unions or the teachers stand up for our benefits as citizens. If I am incorrect, I am respectfully requesting that you show me that I am wrong.

    I admit that there is a lot of truth to your comments stemming from your grassroots work. Employers, particularly small businesses (the 80% that exist) cannot afford the increasing costs for medical benefits when costs are going up 40%/year, unless they're tied up with some government beauracracy (i.e., dialysis centers that get their money from medicare and insurance companies who have a reputation of screwing their policyholders).

    I admit that Rendell was on the right track to find a unified plan that would pacify the teachers in PA. They are responsible for our children's education and, therefore, are entitled to certain benefits. Raising future leaders of America is a huge responsibility, but the unions continue to cloud their minds. I do not object to teachers having an above-the-average salary so long that they don't forget why they are teachers - to promote education. Every time teachers strike, it becomes a win situation for the teachers, the unions, and the politicians that support them. It is a lose situation for the stakeholders: property tax payers and students. I am concerned with the message it portrays for students. Having 3 young children, this is a big concern for me. Also, the threat of teacher strikes in the area yields a danger to the cost of housing for our elderly.

    I know teaching is a tough job (I teach on the college level on the side), but a happy median needs to be established between the taxpayers and he teachers.

  6. Prsent,

    Well said...

    I think if we could have a happy medium of a health plan that is mobile like a 401(k) which includes participation and spreads risk, I think we will be all better off.

  7. Anonymous7:46 PM

    It's funny because Palin is so quick to point out that her husband is in the Union. I wonder if that means that she'll try and influence John's policies on the issue...hmmmm...
    Doubt it because I believe (and you can call me on this if I'm wrong but I thought I read it somewhere) she is against things like strengthening mine safety regulations.
