Friday, September 12, 2008

Pennsylvania Attorney General

With all the attention on the Presidential race and 2 of the hottest contests for Congress in the country I haven't paid much attention to the statewide offices.

Incumbent Republican Attorney General Tom Corbett has been making news with the indictment of 10 Democratic PA State House staffers and 2 state reps in the Bonusgate scandal. Some Republicans are also accused of being involved in similar misconduct but won't be charged until after the election to avoid undue influence on the balloting. Whatever.

He also makes the local news occasionally when there is a sweep of street level drug dealers in the area. The lede in the papers and the TV news always report that it's part of Operation Futility or some other military style name. So they arrest some kids who sell drugs to their friends and tell us that the dangerous druggies have been taken off the streets. The next day somebody else takes their place and the poison is still available to those who want it. The tough nut to crack is how to convince people not to take drugs in the first place. The United States has locked up more and more people because of drug offenses over the last 40 years and it hasn't decreased the demand.

His challenger, Democratic candidate District Attorney John Morganelli of Northampton County,
thinks that Corbett dropped the ball on the Bonusgate investigation. He wants a bunch of debates just like every challenger.

Campaign websites:

John Morganelli

Tom Corbett

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Correct me if I am wrong but I think morganialli is the Lou barletta of Northahampto County, but before Lou becmae famous.

    I hope Corbett gets the indictments of the GOP out before the election. The house demns who got caught deserved it big time and the resaon they were first was becuase they were the worst and most blatant. house GOP and both Senate Caususes were more crafty and will tkae more time
