Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Phargon Phillies have Phinished in Phirst

92 wins and we go on to the the next level. I like our chance against the Brewers. We have Cole Hamels throwing Game 1 and won't see CC Sabathia until Game 3 on Saturday.
Congratulations to Joe Torre for winning the West in his first year as the Dodgers skipper. It breaks my heart that his last team didn't make the playoffs for the first time in 14 years.
And how 'bout them Mets, again.
Here is a touching Eulogy to Shea Stadium.


  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Not that it matters, because they'll phall phlat on their phaces in the playoffs, being phirst to be phinished and head back to the pharm.

  2. Jen is probably thrilled about it.

  3. Anonymous11:03 PM

    When the Phillies win the World Series in november my life will be so complete I will not care if the Dems win in huge numbers..

    Bill Clinton said it best we dont indentify ourselves in economic terms and rarley in party terms, but we define ourselfs in culture, relegion, race(in a positive way likie proud to be irish) and I think as fan of a team falls in there.

    Anyway I was a little down on Sarah palin, but she was in Philly for the debate and supported a Phillies Jacket. Some pictures have her wearing a flyers hat and it seems old, i wonder if someone gave it to her.

    Anyway in the debate against biden She should argue that the Dems will colapse like the mets or better yet She and McCain will reform Washington Broad Street Bully Style

    Since she is from alaska she is really a free agent as far as what Sports teams she likes, So she needs to come up of a reason to support the Philly teams. The flyers is not a stretch becuase she is into hockey and they won two stanley cups and as mentione above beat the Russins when she was an adolescent

    also importnat question, As the man from Scranton waht sports bonafides the Biden have? The Red barons were not there, Since he is from Eastern PA he should be a philly sports guy Also his real fromative years where in Wilmington which should be even closer,

    Here are two conflicting stories concrnign biden and the Eagles(i found nothing on the Phillies)

    Biden ther Eagles fan

    Biden like the PAckers

    G you need to get to the bottom of this McCain is forthright D backs and Skins and of course Navy. (there was no football team in Arizona until like 1990 so mcCain gets a pass on that one) Obama has been Bears and White Sox. Palin is a free agent, but Biden is by birth a fan of Phillies teams he seems torn.

  4. Anonymous11:04 PM

    sorry foir the typo I mean win world series in October

    I donto apologize for other typos or mispelling or any factual inaccuracies just that one

  5. Congratulations sir ! Please continue to carry the baseball torch as I only have room in my heart for one sport right now...Football :)

    Penn State 38
    Illinois 24

    Go Philly !
