Monday, October 06, 2008

117th State Rep race

117th State Rep District Democratic nominee Russ Bigus finally has a website up. The last time he ran for office he was a Republican candidate in the 20th Senate District primary in 2006, he came in fourth.

He is taking on freshman GOP Rep Karen Boback who beat back a strong primary challenge from James May. Her website is here:
This contest has been somewhat quite in the newspapers and paid media. I haven't wandered around the back mountain lately so I don't know who is winning the yard sign contest. I did spot this letter to the editor from a Bigus supporter.


  1. Anonymous3:26 PM

    If I'm not mistaken, Bigus also had his hat in the ring for 10th Congressional District before he realized he couldn't run with the big dogs. He was also Bill Jones' campaign manager in a failed attempt at county commissioner before jumping ship along with Bill to the Democrats. Sounds like he doesn't really know what he wants to do when he grows up.

  2. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Hey, you know Russ Bogus do you? Here's a race between two horses asses as both are clueless as leaders. Russ is a powerhouse in a debate and talks constantly how hell sit down and bring people together. I hope the pompous ass gets enough votes to make his head swell once again while knocking lib Boback down a few pegs. Hopefully we'll see another good challenger in two years

    Drive to the outlet at Harveys Lake and you will find an asshole with both signs in his yard. Talk about loyalty!

  3. Anonymous10:51 PM

    The only ass more pompous is Bigus senior. Debate powerhouse? Guess as long as Russ talks about deer management he could win. Lots of Bigus signs - not in many yards, but stuck at random in abandoned gas stations and highway medians next to Hacketts.

  4. Anonymous6:04 AM


  5. Anonymous7:44 AM

    It appears the real horses asses post comments here. Bigus will do more than Boback could ever dream of doing. Let's face it, she is out of her league and treats the people she serves like the students she taught, terrible.

  6. Anonymous1:27 PM

    7:44 you're the ring leader of horses exit posts. His dreams are wet ones and the only use of Russ is the fact that his ears could be used thrust-reversers on a jet aircraft.

    Maybe his chum Dr. Bruce Goeringer is ready to go over the side and join him as a democrat.

  7. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Boback or Bigus... screwed either way.

  8. Anonymous8:01 AM

    1:27 Let's hope, we need more D's in the district.
