Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Allyson for Senate?

Republican challenger Marina Kats is talking up the possibility that U.S. Rep. Allyson Schwartz (PA-13) will take on Arlen Specter in the 2010 Senate race. Allyson ran for Senate in the 2000 primary for Rick Santorum's seat but Ron Kink won the nod and the people of Pennsylvania got klunked and we were stuck with the Senator from Virginia for another 6 years. In 2000 the clear choice was Allyson Schwartz She would have made her differences with Santorum clear instead of saying "me too" and would have excited the Democratic base. In the end Gore won the state and Klink lost by 5% after being outspent 7:1. If we had a real Democrat that talked about important issues instead of the hot button nonsense things may have been different.
She has a prized seat on the Ways and Means Committee so it would be a tough decision to give that up.
Update: I asked Allyson's spokeperson about this, her reply
"Allyson loves her job in Congress. She's got a great seat on the most powerful Committee in Congress - Ways and Means - where she will have a real role in pushing for healthcare reform next Congress in a Democratic Administration."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    You're off, Gort. I'm hearing no on Allyson, but yes on Joe Sestak.

    Sestak v. Tweety Matthews?

    Hah! Can't wait to vote for Sestak.
