Friday, October 31, 2008

Bill Clinton in Wilkes-Barre Monday

From a release.

Wilkes-Barre – Former President Bill Clinton will join Congressman Paul E. Kanjorski (PA-11) in Wilkes-Barre on Monday to encourage Northeastern Pennsylvanians to get out and vote on Tuesday for Kanjorski and the Democratic ticket. The event will be open to the media and the public.

The Kanjorski campaign will release more details as they become available.

I thought (advocated) that Hillary would be dropping into Scranton for a rally to help out Kanjo. But I'll go to an event starring Bubba.


  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Two good liars (and crooks). Why not give 'em a tour of the courthouse?

  2. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I love the anons that are obviously right wingers that to this day still have a hard on for Bill.

  3. Lefty,

    If Kanjorski did the right job in the right way he wouldn't have the right wing against him.
