Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kanjo makes his case

“Illegal immigration exacerbates hatred. But my opponent wants you to believe that everything of dissatisfaction in your life is a result of illegal immigration. Nobody likes a creep who takes advantage of bad things, and that’s what illegal immigration is.”-Congressman Paul Kanjorski

More choice quotes from the TL:

Kanjorski argues that Barletta would be a freshman congressman of the minority party in Congress and – because Kanjorski believes Barack Obama will defeat John McCain for the presidency – he will have no ally in the White House.

“If I call the White House, no matter who will be president, I will have access,” Kanjorski said. “If I’m not re-elected, this area will have to wait 24 years to get that kind of seniority.”

Kanjorski says he has brought more economic development money to the district than it has ever seen.

“I’ve asked my constituents who they would want in Congress if another Agnes disaster (1972 flood) occurred and they overwhelmingly said they would want me,” Kanjorski said.

Lou Barletta responds by saying “People want change.” Hmm, where have I heard that line? And then he blames immigrants for Hazleton's problems. Last week the Mayor Lou camp sent out yet another press release attacking Kanjorski over illegal immigration that cited something he said to an obscure local blogger 2 years ago.


  1. goold old hunchback, making the case for term limits for congress in a way better than just about anybody could. bye bye kandoucheski, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

  2. If Barletta wins he will be a one term Congressman. There is no way he will be re-elected. The only reason he is polling so well is because narrow-minded bigots are convinced he will get rid of illegal immigrants and they are swarming all over him. Otherwise he'd be another Republican running in this district.

    That's not the case.

  3. To clarify I am not saying all supporters of Barletta are narrow-minded bigots. I considered voting for him, but he has failed to rise above being a one issue candidate.

  4. Anonymous7:29 PM

    When Kanjo was elected in 1984 the Republicans had the majority in the Senate by 55-45 and Ronald Reagan was President. He claims it will take 24 years for Barletta to get where he is. Chris Carney in his first term brought almost triple the money back to the 10th District compared to Paul Kanjorski. Check it out at taxpayer.net

    With Cornerstone Technologies what would ever make Kanjo think Barletta would ever want to be like him if he has the pleasure of serving for 24 years? And who says it takes 24 years to get seniority?

    Kanjo claims Barletta is not backing his President. Obama wants Change in Washington. How does Kanjo represent that change? Sending him back is more of the same. I get a kick out of Biden. If Obama were to die we would be stuck with a President who has served 10 years longer than McCain. How the heck is that change?

    In 24 years has Kanjo changed Washington or has Washington changed him? If you want to see what 24 years gets you go back to taxpayer.net and look at Murtha vs. Kanjo. A little less than $3 million to over $150 million this past year.

    We are faced with an energy crisis, healthcare crisis, Medicare crisis, economic crisis and a financial crisis all at once. We are in the middle of the biggest cluster foxtrot to face this nation. How can anyone in Washington have us believe we need to keep things the same? How have they EARNED our continued support? If they were in private industry they would have been fired long ago for incompetence.

    Obama doesn't own the word change. It has been used in election after election. Barletta wants fundamental change in how things are done in Washington.

    Jedi- I have covered one issue before. If you think being Mayor is only knowing one issue ask Leighton or Doherty. As far as your comment about narrow minded bigots, there must be a bunch of them in this district. The polling is among Democrats and Republicans. The reason he is polling so well is because he represents "Hope." He represents "Courage." That is the reason they are not bigots.

    It took alot of courage to take on a 24 year incumbent in a year where Democrats are poised to make inroads. It took alot of courage to take on the gangs like MS13 in Hazleton.

    Before anyone makes an assumption about the origin of Hazleton's problems come for a visit and a tour. And no it is not immigrants. It is illegal gang members who would be more than happy to have you visit with them.

  5. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Kanjo $3 million vs. Murtha $150 million

  6. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Kanjorski had plenty of time to avert this financial crisis. Here is a key hearing with key words.


  7. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Did any of you have Paul Kanjorski fight for $ 10 million dollars on your behalf? http://www.opencongress.org/bill/110-h3790/text

    It taks hutspa for Kanjo to unilaterally determine what would be appropriate compensation and circumvent the legal process.

    $10 million must be a magic number for him. It worked at Cornerstone.

  8. Anonymous9:22 PM

    What an argument. "Don't fire me, I'm the only guy who can do anything for you".
    Never mind that he never did anything for anyone but himself and his family in this area, if we throw the great man out we will really be screwed!!! Ha!!!

  9. Very soon Barack Obama will be your new President. This is a reality you cannot alter or escape from. It is fact. It is history. It is justice for the world.

    Many of you have seen the light and have accepted the truth. And we thank you for your support and aid in electing Barack Obama.

    To those who have rejected the truth you have no reason to fear Barack Obama. He is wise and just and he will follow the principals followed by his African forefathers. Barack Obama is the son of Kings and Queens who started human civilization thousands of years ago. Barack Obama remembers his heritage and his obligations to the Truth, Justice and the Future.

    Barack Obama understands what is wrong and what needs to be done. Barack Obama has intelligence and vision that has lasted for over a millennium. Barack Obama was born with the appropriate ways of thinking, speaking, and acting and this will inspire you to be liberated for now there is no shackle which can keep you enslaved.

    An African Proverb tell us: “Then command the servant, thusly: Make an Elder's staff causing my son to stand in my place I will instruct him through the speech of the listeners and the counsels of the first of the ancients who listened to the divinities. In so doing troubles will be removed from the people.”

    Barck Obama is here now to listen, to instruct and will lead you to your new life.

    America will have a new start. A change to right itself. A change to correct its wrongs and address its sins. If you support change that will bring forth social and economic justice, you will stand with Barack Obama. Those who have been denied justice in America will get justice. Those will have been denied opportunity will be given opportunity. Those will falsely imprisoned will be freed. Those who are guilty will be punished. America’s salvation is at hand.

    Those who have profited in America will play a role helping others. Justice requires equality and fairness and those who have the means will now be fair and will contribute to equality.

    Stand with Barack Obama and you will be honored you for your work, sacrifice, dedication and devotion on behalf of all oppressed peoples.

    Stand with Barack Obama and you will be honored and celebrated and remembered in song and praise and by your children.


  10. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Kanjo has been in the House for 24 years and he has no pull or respect from the other members. The other members who have been there that long are committee chairs not second tier congressman who can't get anything done. If kanjo was one tenth as good as Dan Flood you would have seen $75 million returned home.
