Thursday, October 09, 2008

The latest PA 11th CD poll

The Lou Barletta campaign has released their latest internal poll from Susquehanna Polling and Research.

Lou Barletta (R) 47%

Paul Kanjorski (D-inc) 39%

Undecided/other 13%

(MoE: ±4.9%) 400 likely voters interviewed Oct. 2

The re-elect number is 32% yes- new person 54%. Favorable rating 41% to 39% unfavorable.

No numbers on Mayor Lou's favorables.

The last independent poll from F&M also had Lou up by 9 over Kanjo.

There is a still a big chunk of undecided voters in all these polls.

Kanjorski has been a point man in the recent Wall Street bailout bill that Barletta sort of opposes. Kanjo defends his vote: “I’m a Democrat and I’m in a very, very serious campaign,” he told business leaders Friday. “The easiest thing in the world for me to do today or a week ago is to vote no ... But this is not the time to protect one’s tail, as we’d say in the game. This is the time for good men to stand up and be counted ... This is something that our society absolutely needs.”

1 comment:

  1. Every hear of electronic voting machines? This lead means nothing.
