Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One for the Professor

Obama Wins Scholastic News Election Poll

It's official. At least for the kids! The Scholastic Presidential Election Poll results are in: Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama won with 57 percent of the vote, to 39 percent for Republican nominee Senator John McCain.The poll was open to kids from grades 1 to 12 in Scholastic News and Junior Scholastic magazines...Since 1940, the results of the student vote have mirrored the outcome of the general election all but twice: In 1948, kids voted for Thomas E. Dewey over Harry S. Truman. In 1960, more students voted for Richard M. Nixon than for John F. Kennedy.

Nickelodeon also has a kids poll.

Michelle gets an extra chocolate milk after recess for pointing this out.


  1. Awesome, I'll drink it while I'm coloring pictures and practicing my ABCs.

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    The results of this poll don't come as any surprise to me considering that our schools are nothing but a front for the commies in Moscow and Peking--damn!!! In my day we had school too, but you got in there on time and put your right hand on your heart and recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and you better not forget to add "under God" because you knew what would happen to you!! NOwadays, I bet that the little runts in class don't even know what the Pledge is, let alone be able to recite it! And God forbid if a teacher takes his hand or a ruler to some delinquint thug who didn't do his homework; the poor teacher would be out of a job and the kid would be rolling in dough after the lawsuit. Double damn!!!!! The kids today have it too easy and they've been raised to think that the government owes them something. What a bunch of slackers!! No wonder they support Barack; I ain't no fan of McCain as you all know, but at least he's going to keep our country strong, not tear the military apart like the other guy wants to do!! SO, to the commie who runs this site, enjoy your poll, enjoy your radio stardom, because you're going to be crying come election night when the real Americans come out to vote for a change. To Hell with polls, to Hell with kids, to Hell with wimpy teachers who are afraid to use a ruler in the way it was meant to be used, and to Hell with Gort and his subversive comrades. I hate you all!!!!!

  3. Hugs & kisses to mean old man!
