Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Retirement savings

We just got the last of our 3rd quarter 401(k) and IRA statements today. It's a bloodbath and may get worse. How ya doin'?


  1. Anonymous10:47 PM

    closed all my ira's last year and converted to gold and silver, as of now my return is over 200%. will be converting to cash and simply putting it away in 4 separate banks to make sure they are all insured at the new rate. may take a few thousand an play around and buy some devalued stocks as well
    even after paying penalties I am up quite a bit.

  2. Anonymous11:38 PM

    The Failout we so desperately needed(choking and joking) whacked us both ways. We pay the financial services sector with our tax money to bail them out of their problem so they can survive then the plan to do that tanks the markets where our 401Ks are so we lose both ways. Paul Kanjorski, thanks for the plan. At least your financial friends will benefit. Must be why they gave you $3 million to spend on this election. I blame him because he told Jim Lehrer on September 30, 2008 that he watched this crisis happen for the last two years.

  3. Here's the truth what state-sponsored media (ANBCBSNNX - corporate media) isn't telling us:

    Ben, Hank, Congress - there is exactly one way to stop this. You must force full and complete balance sheet transparency for every firm on Wall Street. Period. No mark to model, no Level 3, no SIVs, no concealment of any kind. You have put in place the most mighty of guarantees of both solvency and liquidity that you possess - the full faith and credit of The United States, in conjunction with the full faith and credit of other G7 nations.

    The Great Bailout Swindle. Rescue for the Few, Debt Slavery for the Many

    The Quadrillion Dollar Powder Keg Waiting To Blow. Derivatives at the heart of the crisis, catastrophic losses are inevitable, financial system headed for oblivion, the new world disorder, EU doomed, Credit Default Swaps at the heart of the problem, Plunge Protection Team history, coverups for globalization failures, Bloodbath for the Yen

    Let’s get real. Aren’t the farmers, miners, manufacturers, builders, transport workers, wholesale and retail outlets working ? These are the major producers of the world’s material wealth. Then, what’s the problem ? The problem is “The Market” !

    The Next Derivatives Bloodbath: Insurance and Auto Makers

    America's bedraggled, debt slave consumers are about to reap the final whirlwind which will finally unwind what is left of their consumer materialist society. This final shoe will come in the form of the cheaply made and cheap priced and often poisonous Chinese consumer goods. It is these very goods that not only have stuffed American households in a gluttony of soulless, Christless consumerism but have equally driven those same mindless consumers out of their middle class manufacturing jobs and into the lower class that make up the vast vast masses of service sector jobs.

    They Are Getting Ready To Divvy Up The Lucre: US Summons Only Super Elite Bankers To A Meeting. The Bush administration summoned executives from leading banks to a meeting in Washington Monday afternoon to work out details of the $700 billion plan. And, as they say in Chicago, "If you are not at the table, you are on the menu." For the record those expected at the table are:

    It is time to break the deadly silence on derivatives ~ the true, hyper inflationary factor in the current crisis situation is the unregulated, insanely leveraged derivatives trade. This is what is bringing down the stock market . This is the great crime of Alan Greenspan and there are many co-conspirators

    'They're talking about credit and liquidity, but not ours'

    Even though predatory lending was becoming a national problem, the Bush administration looked the other way and did nothing to protect American homeowners. In fact, the government chose instead to align itself with the banks that were victimizing consumers.

    Paulson Doles Out $125 Billion to Wall Street Elite

  4. Anyone got any ideas how "conservatives" Bush, Cheney, Bernanke, Paulson, etc...get away with socializing our financial institutions, and still trick you into calling the "conservatives"??? Keep drinkin' duh Kook-Aid while they're stealing all our money right in front of our faces! And telling us they're "helping" us! The stock market tumbled TWICE since they stole $850 billion off of us, telling us it was "necessary" to bailout the bankster criminals!!!

    Don't believe these liars for 1 second! The only ones for that bailout were corporate TV pundits and politicians. ALL major economists, nobel laureate winning economists, and other EXPERTS were 100% against the bailout. They were all blacklisted from corporate controlled TV. They have us all thinking corporate TV is "liberal" like a bunch of dummies. That's a trick. It's the views of the corporations and the rich elites really running this country, and they have us running around arguing whether it's "liberal" like assholes! It's CORPORATE, stupid! They consolidated into 5 companies, all the media for all intents and purposes. 5 controlled companies, with the views of the corporations and rich elites making out on the bailout. Keep thinking it's "liberal", and you will continue to get nowhere near the truth of what's going on.

  5. Why did the stock market plunge TWICE since the Bush/Bernanke/Paulson bailout which the supposed "opposing party" also went along with? Because NONE OF THEM have our interests. They keep us fighting between Dems vs GOP, the "liberal media" and Rush Limaugh, etc...when they're all on the same side screwing us. It's all a distraction from the truth of what's really going on.

  6. A lot of them "pretend" to be arguing and fighting...but what happens when the shit hits the fan? They all agree and against us regular average people, 95% of Americans. No representation. No one wanted the bailout, I should say, no regular people, 95% of Americans. The proof??? The market plunged TWICE, they will ask for more, this is only the beginning. How convenient it began in the heat of the distracting election. Orchestrated, planned...we're "dupes"...

    You're telling me? That this all happened in the last few weeks, and all these "experts" didn't know this for months or even years? I have a bridge to sell you...wake up, please!

  7. Anonymous11:10 AM

    big dan, Why are you on the Republcans so much when Paul Kanjorski Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi couldn't wait to get on TV to announce the Failout? Who socialized the institutions- Community Reinvestment Act and Gramm-Leach-Bliley under Bill Clinton. John Murtha said Paul Kanjorski told him ovedr 6 months ago that he knew 100 banks would fail. Paul Kanjorski told Jim Lehrer on September 30, 2008 that he had been WATCHING this crisis develop for 2 years. What was his repsonse-nothing until the crisis was fully enveloped like a fire in an old timber building. Then he wanted all of America to know that he was "taking care of it."

    My point is that you are not wrong and niether am I. Washington is screwing us because the long time politicians made a choice. They chose lobbyists' money over voters. We can't blame the lobbyists; there have been lobbyists since the day this government was born. But we can blame grown men and women who leave their integrity and values at the outskirts of Washington D.C.

  8. Anonymous11:10 AM

    big dan, Why are you on the Republcans so much when Paul Kanjorski Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi couldn't wait to get on TV to announce the Failout? Who socialized the institutions- Community Reinvestment Act and Gramm-Leach-Bliley under Bill Clinton. John Murtha said Paul Kanjorski told him ovedr 6 months ago that he knew 100 banks would fail. Paul Kanjorski told Jim Lehrer on September 30, 2008 that he had been WATCHING this crisis develop for 2 years. What was his repsonse-nothing until the crisis was fully enveloped like a fire in an old timber building. Then he wanted all of America to know that he was "taking care of it."

    My point is that you are not wrong and niether am I. Washington is screwing us because the long time politicians made a choice. They chose lobbyists' money over voters. We can't blame the lobbyists; there have been lobbyists since the day this government was born. But we can blame grown men and women who leave their integrity and values at the outskirts of Washington D.C.

  9. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I got it, let's get rid of the capitalistic free market system and embrace socialism. That way all we have to do is wait for obama to do his thing, then we could soon be happy with a new benevolent dictator.

    Seig Heil anyone?
