Saturday, November 15, 2008

Secretary of State Hillary

When I first heard this speculation I dismissed it. Why would Hillary Clinton want to give up a Senate seat for life to take a cabinet post and why would Obama want her in the government?

Now I think making Hillary Clinton the Secretary of State is both good politics and good government.

I love all the Machiavelli/Godfather/Team of Rivals references about keeping you enemies closer than your friends. That works in Hollywood and cable TV but that's not all of it.

It's good politics because it would co-opt a rival and avoid sniping from the sidelines.

It would be good government because Hillary has been travelling the world for years and knows many of the players and they know her.

America will present a new united face to the world.


  1. Anonymous7:11 AM

    it is brilliant to completely nullify her. whether it is best of pres. obama or country is another story. think bill richardson would be considerably more able to handle the job. i think hilary if wanted a cabinet post probabley ag. but i think she should stay out of obama's cabinet, she would be much more influential in the senate and could keep him honest. once in she becomes non factor much the way colin powell was in w.'s

  2. Anonymous10:48 AM

    G you should not quote team of rivals. not becuase Abe was not brilliant in his manipulation of intra party rivals but becuase doris Kearns goodwin is a thief.

    She is a proved plagaurizers, and while the lincoln book most likley not plaghurized she stole the idea from a chapter in a book on lincoln by a professoer at Catholic U.

    The media acts as if she is the first to bring this to light but this book chapter was first. Also unlike Kerans the writer acknoledges that he was not the first to develop this idea

  3. Bill,

    As you said the Team of Rivals analysis is not new. I had a history Prof that made the same case 25 years ago. But Goodwin's book is a great read.

  4. I want to see Barack Obama's administration succeed.

    Taking Hillary Clinton on board is a big mistake.

    One of the most corrupt court districts happens to be Hillary's.

    A constutuent of US Senator in New York had concerns about the federal judge nominee, Wesley, also a favorite of George W. Bush. Judge Wesley seems to be a team player out to keep judicial misconduct secret and those expose, jailed.

    Elena Sassower wanted to warn Hillary Clinton about the shenanigans of Judge Wesley, so Clinton allegedly saw to it that Sassower was jailed to shut her up about the truth. [more info]

  5. Although I am also intrigued by the thought of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to paraphrase George H.W. Bush or Dana Carvey, "not gonna happen." I can't see her leaving the Senate. Her baby is universal health care, and I believe she wants that to be her legacy. She can be the front-woman in the Senate on healthcare, but she can't do that from State.

    But, how about this scenario? Hillary does take the job at State. In four years, Biden steps down, and Hillary joins the ticket. After four years as Secretary of State and four years as VP, she's the heir apparent for the Presidency. She's still young enough to run in 2016 for President.

    Just some food for thought.

  6. Anonymous8:28 PM

    The photo looks like she's ready to give him head

  7. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Their both liberals--what's united about that?? Now if he picks Mccain, that would be a different story.

  8. anon 10:21 Clinton is pro-choice. After that her and Bubba have been awfull center right. Bubba was the first Libertarian President.

    Rendell is another Libertarian Democrat. They are NOT liberals. They are Pro-Choice, Pro-Big bussiness, Pro-war Democrats.

    Anyone who supported the initial invasion of Iraq can not and SHOULD NOT be Sec. of state!

    I'd rather have Kucinich, who would comand more respect than Clinton.


  9. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Kucinich command more respect than Hillary Clinton? In what galaxy? Most absurd thing I've heard in months.
