Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mr. President


  1. Anonymous1:48 PM


  2. Anonymous5:02 PM

    god help us!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous5:25 PM

    All that went wrong was not Bush's fault. All that will go wrong is not Obama's fault. One of the problems of our society is our desire to simply everything and focus blame in one area. Clearly, the current financial crisis is proof that blame can be laid at the feet of the Fed, Bush, Clinton, Carter, Paulson, SEC, credit rating agencies, banks, fannie and freddie, stock holders who don't demand accountablity, pension funds, etc.

  4. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Presidents don't control the economy and the government as a whole does not control the economy, but presidents get the credit or the blame. Since they try to claim the credit when things go well, they can't complain about getting the blame when things go badly.

    The economy will improve because the economy always improves; that's what the business cycle does.

    I did not want Barack Hussein Obama to win the election, and I did not want him to become our president, but he did win a free and fair election, and he now is our president, my president as well as yours. Come 2012 we'll have another election, and I'll have another chance to support someone whose policies I would prefer.

  5. Anonymous6:46 AM

    At 12:00 noon, today, January 21, Mr. Obama will walk across the Potomac River.

  6. Anonymous11:20 AM

    dweedle dum is gone..... yipee!!

  7. Anonymous3:09 AM

    I can't wait 'til the fun starts. The commie messiah cometh
