Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Nepotism in Luzerne County, really?

To paraphrase Captain Renault 'I'm shocked, shocked that there is nepotism in Luzerne County.'

What is even more shocking is that the county commissioners made the accusation in a legal document. We have all long suspected that hiring decisions in all branches of county government has been less than open and fair but to put it writing shows just how bad the financial situation has deteriorated. In the past such an accusation if made in the media would bring a defamation lawsuit and it still might.

Choice quotes


Personnel costs “were arbitrarily inflated to preserve the court-appointed positions that have been created to provide jobs to the President Judge’s relatives, friends or political associates.”

“Year after year in the budget process, the courts have never had to explain anything. They basically walked down and were given carte blanche by previous boards of commissioners,” Commissioner Steve Urban said. “That’s over. That’s not going to happen any more. They’ve got to be treated like any other department.”


Commissioners contend the court’s proposed 2009 budget was laden with unnecessary positions and included “inflated” salaries for court management employees. They specifically target management positions that commissioners say were created by Ciavarella without approval of the county’s salary board, as is required by law.
The suit does not identify the positions, but Commissioner Chairwoman Maryanne Petrilla said one of them belongs to Paul McGarry, director of administrative services for the court system. McGarry previously served as the director of probation services.
Petrilla said his new position was never approved by the salary board.

The discovery phase of the lawsuit is in progress and it will interesting if relatives, friends and associates of the President Judge will be named. Or will Ciavarella cave to avoid that?

I've been very critical of Commissioner Chair Maryanne Petrilla in the past but now I'm becoming a fan. She and Steve Urban are making tough decisions that are not popular with the political class but are necessary to bring some fiscal sanity to the county.


  1. Anonymous11:48 PM

    I ahm Chef Inspector Cleauseau of the Surity... arh you trying to make a minkey of me?

  2. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Yes, Nepotism is a HUGE problem in the County. We're all sick of it. That game is over. Time for a lot of head deflation..... even YOU Mr. Security Giard witht he bad attitude. You should be NICE to people from now on, sucka.
