Monday, January 19, 2009

So much for that

The Steelers made it but the Birds came up short. It tops off a great weekend. Our Jeep had a flat tire that I replaced with the spare that has been never been used since we bought it in 1996. It also went flat. I also left the back door open which turned on the dome light resulting in the battery going dead. And I think I broke my thumb. On the bright side I won a dollar in the Cash 5.


  1. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Don't worry: I've got a song up to cheer you up!

  2. The Eagles defense on the Cardinals last drive was non-existent. And the Eales defense let the Cardinals build a huge, almost insurmountable lead from the get-go. What a time to have a defensive lapse - the game to get to the Super Bowl! Also, McNabb was off a lot. They didn't play like they've been playing the last month. The "choked"???

  3. Anonymous2:15 PM

    That was the most excruciating game I've ever watched.

    I was totally drained and could barely make it through the Steelers game.

    Kudos to the Cardinals, they are certainly not the team that Philly beat on Thanksgiving.

    Go Steelers.

  4. Cash 5? So it was a good day after all?

  5. Shouldn't have commented about the Jeep, bad luck.

  6. PA, It only cost me $14 to win a prize.

    It's good to see Dan and KAR can agree on something.

    McG, It's a 1996 Cherokee Classic with just 70,000 miles. I'm going to drive it until the wheels fall off. I know something about that because 2 of my previous vehicles had a wheel fall off.

    Thanks Dana, That cheered me up.

  7. And it's not snowing!

  8. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I once had a Jeep Cherokee -- I guess around a 1994 model -- as a company vehicle, and it should have been painted brown; a bigger piece of feces I have never driven.

    Admittedly, it had nearly 100,000 miles on it when I got it, but it was just trash.

    In the meantime, my current 2000 Ford F-150 has 181,900 miles on it, and I've never had to make a major repair. I've replaced normal wear parts -- belts, hoses, tires and brakes -- but that's it.
