Saturday, February 14, 2009

Karl Rove is coming to town

WILKES-BARRE -Terry Casey, chairman of the Luzerne county Republican Party, said an announcement will be made soon that Karl Rove will speak at the group’s dinner in late March at Genetti’s, Wilkes-Barre.
The county's GOP financial picture must be improving if they can afford to bring in a heavy hitter like Rove to share his wisdom. I'm sure he is not doing this for free.
I think it is interesting that he has been blathering all over the FOX News airwaves but is still fighting subpoenas to appear before the House of Representatives to answer questions in his role in the firing of nine U.S. attorneys in 2006 for political reasons. He also needs to explain his involvement in blowing the cover of CIA agent Valerie Plame and many other things.
It will be interesting to hear what advice he gives our local elephants on how to create a "permanent Republican majority." His formula of division and hate really worked out well for them on the national level.


  1. Just in time for gardening season! I'll take my shovel - with that sack of manure coming to town, there should be plenty for everyone!

  2. Anonymous8:14 PM

    The republican party does not need Karl Rove to come here and say what needs to be done. Just get rid of Tery Casey and the rinos in the party. Its funny half the time you don't know what party the republicans suppor.

  3. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I think the new Chairman deserves a lot of credit. compare what he's done in 6 months to what was done in 16 years under the last leadership.

    Cast dispersions all you want - the GOP is on the move. Compared to the democratic party in Luzerne County and it's judges - and I think there is little question the Dems were behind the judges - the mood for change is strong and Casey is being a leader.

    Regardless of political views - I think we all want a clean government that is free of corruption - at a minimum. Lets recognize that a BALANCED two party system is necessary to engender the checks and balances necessary in our democratic system. We should all be pulling for a stronger GOP so there are true options and not the one party control that has led to the current embarrassment. Anyone who understands good government realizes the tensions generation by the minority party is a positive check - but when no minority party exists - you get the kind of governance we're experienced in LC.

  4. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Mr Gort, this is just dumb. You have the photoshopped picture of Mr Rove under arrest, which never happened, and you wrote that Mr Rove "also needs to explain his involvement in blowing the cover of CIA agent Valerie Plame and many other things."

    Well, that was investigated by the independent counsel, Patrick Fitzgerald, and despite the cocaine-addicted "reporter" Jason Leopold's insistence on, Mr Rove was never charged with any crime concerning the exposure of Valerie Wilson.

    The editors of The Washington Post, a paper not exactly supportive of former President Bush, wrote that the person most responsible for the exposure of Mrs Wilson's CIA identity was her own dear husband.

    I have a lengthy, and not very positive review of Mrs Wilson's book, Fair Game, here.

  5. Anonymous7:21 AM

    This guy gort is a real jerk-off.

    I don't have a problem with Rove. But this guy Casey is nothing but a pawn for the phony executive committee of blue bloods who gave large to democrats

  6. Anonymous9:07 AM

    shows you how smart locals are with everything going on now to bring another crook in to the mix i would be staying far away

  7. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Casey and his executive committee (which is a JOKE)are already making deals with the dems. I would love to know what Terry has done in 6 months. The website is still not updated, with all of this going on in Luzerne County, where has the republican party and Terry Casey been. Not a single word. I am a rebulican and I can't stand it anymore. We need fresh faces, new leadership not the same. He promised change. Same old stuff. I see why Steve Urban keeps on winning in Luzerne County. He stays away from Terry and his committee. Dems will win again because of the lack of leadership.

  8. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Hey 3:59, why don't you stop whining and put your shoulder to the wheel and make a difference. O' that's right, it's a lot easier to sit in your yellow bathrobe with your white tube socks and degrade others.

    Also: like to see your proof on Casey or the Executive Committee making deals with the Dems. I just pray you know the difference between proof and an accusation.

  9. Maybe the Luzerne County Democratic Party can explain these donations from former Judge Mark Ciavarella to their party during his retention campaign. Sitting judges are not supposed to be making political donations according to the judicial cannons.

    PLYMOUTH, PA 18651 10/31/2005 $500.00
    Description: DONATION
    Report: 2005 Cycle 6

    PLYMOUTH, PA 18651 4/19/2005 $6,000.00
    Description: DONATION
    Report: 2005 Cycle 5

    PLYMOUTH, PA 18651 9/30/2005 $6,000.00
    Description: DONATION
    Report: 2005 Cycle 5

    (1) A judge or a candidate for election to judicial office should not:

    (c) solicit funds for or pay an assessment or make a contribution to a political organization or candidate

    To paraphrase your post, it will be interesting to see how the local jackasses spin this one.

  10. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Hey 4:53, I know more than you think. Call Mr. Casey and ask him why he was having a meeting with some prominent democrats at Perugino's Rest.Making deals. Let me know his response.

  11. Anonymous2:32 PM

    That's a bright "conclusion". As I suspected and anticipated; you've not a clue of the difference between proof and accusations. Who was at the "meeting"? (name some names other than casey) What deals were they talking about?

    Take your pointy hat and sit in the corner until you figure out the difference.

  12. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Call Terry Casey and then come back to the blog and let me know. Apparently you are not good with directions.

  13. Anonymous9:30 PM

    old saying -don't argue with a fool...

  14. Anonymous10:17 PM

    old saying an asshole will always be an asshole

    signing off 9:30

  15. Anonymous10:37 PM

    In fact all the R' hounchos were in the back room of Perugino's. Pat Solano and Andy Sordoni were holding court with Dan Meuser and the Moses boys.

    Three days later the shit came down under the dome as the two judges were told they were going for potty training with old friends in a big house.

    Screw the GOP in Luzerne County and let their 2 faced big Dem givers burn in the ass of the elephant.

  16. Dana, any response to this:

    Rove, Siegelman, and the DOJ Firings

    Karl Rove is being subpoenaed by John Conyers about the Dept. of Justice firings, and being in the middle of using the DOJ for political prosecutions - including using the DOJ to indict Democrats right before elections. One of those Democrats is Don Siegelman, governor of Alabama, who is a guest in this video. In case you didn't know it, the DOJ firings were because some of the federal attorneys would NOT participate in this! This is a "must see" video, because they give an overview of exactly what the DOJ firings were all about.

    The chair of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers, has subpoenaed former White House adviser Karl Rove to testify next week about the Bush administration’s firing of nine US attorneys and the prosecution of former Alabama governor Don Siegelman. Rove previously refused to appear before the panel, and former President Bush upheld his legal position. Rove’s attorney, Robert Luskin, said he would consult with President Obama’s White House counsel to determine the Obama administration’s stance. We speak with attorney Scott Horton and former Alabama governor Don Siegelman.

    Rove has been dodging justice, because of the cover of the Bush administration.

  17. Dana, any response to this:

    Rove, Siegelman, and the DOJ Firings

    Karl Rove is being subpoenaed by John Conyers about the Dept. of Justice firings, and being in the middle of using the DOJ for political prosecutions - including using the DOJ to indict Democrats right before elections. One of those Democrats is Don Siegelman, governor of Alabama, who is a guest in this video. In case you didn't know it, the DOJ firings were because some of the federal attorneys would NOT participate in this! This is a "must see" video, because they give an overview of exactly what the DOJ firings were all about.

    The chair of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers, has subpoenaed former White House adviser Karl Rove to testify next week about the Bush administration’s firing of nine US attorneys and the prosecution of former Alabama governor Don Siegelman. Rove previously refused to appear before the panel, and former President Bush upheld his legal position. Rove’s attorney, Robert Luskin, said he would consult with President Obama’s White House counsel to determine the Obama administration’s stance. We speak with attorney Scott Horton and former Alabama governor Don Siegelman.

    Rove has been dodging justice, because of the cover of the Bush administration.

  18. NEWSWEEK: Just four days before he left office, President Bush instructed former White House aide Karl Rove to refuse to cooperate with future congressional inquiries into alleged misconduct during his administration.

  19. ( i posted this in the wrong post at first, sorry)

    Outing CIA agent Valerie Plame was an essential part of the Bush administration leading us into a war based on lies. Valerie Plame was a covert operative working for a company that had information that there were NO WMD'S!!! Get it??? They outed her, because that was in the way of the Iraq War. Her husband wrote a column in a major newspaper, saying there were NO WMD'S in Iraq. Shortly afterwards, his wife was outed.

    THAT, Dana, is called TREASON!!!!!!!

    Please put country before party, as we all should on all levels of govt.

  20. The Republicans' high-tech e-vote guru Mike Connell...flying below the corporarate media's radar...

    So we learned last week that new information concerning Republican high-tech guru Mike Connell's alleged participation in computer-aided fraud from Florida to Ohio to the Swiftboaters to RNC headquarters to Congress has helped lead Ohio attorney Cliff Arnebeck to reignite a long-standing federal lawsuit concerning Ohio's 2004 Presidential Election.

    We learned this week that Connell may have been threatened by Karl Rove should the GOP's "high IQ Forrest Gump" --- so described for his uncanny ability to be found "at the scene of every [GOP] crime" --- fail to "take the fall" for election fraud in Ohio, according to a letter sent by Arnebeck to AG Michael Mukasey asking for Connell's protection.

    But who exactly is this exceptionally successful, yet largely-below-the-radar-until-now Republican operative?

    So Who Is Mike Connell? A Clip from 'Free For All' Gives You an Idea...

    These people are criminals, they don't care about YOU or ME.

  21. Rove Threatened GOP IT Guru If He Does Not 'Take the Fall' for Election Fraud in Ohio, Says Attorney. Letter Sent to Attorney General Mukasey Requesting 'Protection for Mr. Connell and His Family From This Reported Attempt to Intimidate a Witness' After Tip from 'Credible Source'. UPDATE: OH AG Reportedly Asked to Provide Immunity Protection...

  22. Ron Suskind on Democracy NOW! for the whole hour. Suskind reports that in 2003 the White House ordered the CIA to forge and disseminate false intelligence documents linking al-Qaeda and Iraq.

  23. BREAKING: Mike Connell, GOP 'IT Guru' Reportedly Killed in Solo Plane Crash! Yes, THAT Mike Connell, key witness in the Ohio election fraud case, King-Lincoln v. Blackwell
